Безопасен ли monsanto.com?

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На основе 321 отзывов

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Very bad for everybody i know
This site is home to a very unethical company: *****
Monsanto is an innovator in their industry and the backlash against them is due to fear mongering
Excellent website for information about Monsanto products. Most of the negative information is either lies or plain pseudoscientific nonsense.
People reacting negatively to GMOs have baseless, misinformed claims from pseudo-scientific sources like "Food Babe" and "Deepak Chopra". As for Monsanto the company, whether this corporation has harmed an individual or group, or the source of your distrust is simply due to the fact that this is a "corporation" and you hate "all corporations", well, your "non-GMO" products are also sold by Corporations (i.e. "whole foods *CORP*").
GMO's are __extremely__ misunderstood and most opinions are formed on Facebook instead of on research. Monsanto's goal of feeding a burgeoning human population is laudable, not evil.
Monsanto (not surprisingly) has been flooded with bad reviews by tinfoil hat wearers who are too privileged to see the benefit of GMO's and other Monsanto products..
Monsanto haters are misusing WOT to give this site a low rating. There is no SPAM, no phishing, no malware. It is just another company site.
Misleading claims, unethical business and scientific practices, beware.
The website is only as trustworthy as you deem Monsanto to be. Although the website may be contoversial in its context, it will not hurt your computer or give you viruses or track your activity or any of that stuff. It's a safe website advocating a potentially unethical company, that's all.
This is a perfectly safe site and has not provided me with any problems. I think many people have been rating this site as untrustworthy because they have negative perceptions of the company that owns the site, rather than whether the site is actually harmful.
This describes the company and its products clearly. I trust the site to do this. The site is safe for children. You may not like the company or its products but the web site is fine. Please support the right to free speech.
Okay, so the company behind the website stinks.  But hey, at least it isn't giving my computer a virus.
Vorsicht Lebensgefahr!!! NIEMAND in Europa will ernsthaft genetisch verunreinigte Lebensmittel. Weder im Futter der Haustiere, noch im Essen selbst. Gentechnik ist herumgepfusche an der Natur mit unabsehbaren Folgen für die Menschen. In Argentinien sterben Menschen an schlimmsten Leiden in Gensoja-Gebieten. Glyphosat ist pures GIFT!!! Weltweit (u.a. Brasilien) stellt sich heraus, dass genetisch veränderte Pflanzen nicht gegen Schädlinge helfen!!! Pestizitverseuchung sind die Folge Verp.... Euch nach USA!!! Wir werden alle Genfelder abbrennen die wir finden, WIR WOLLEN EUCH und eure GENTECHNIK NICHT!!!
Had the information I was looking for - no malicious software or viruses - safe site.
Nothing wrong with the site, and the negative claims are from anti-science idiots with who only know prejudiced, irrational claims, not based on reality. So much fear-mongering by clueless idiots.
Great company. The organic community is against it because it threatens their sustainability. What the organic community doesn't want the masses to know about their agenda is that THEY use poisonous chemicals and SOME GMO's in their products. Shameful acts portrayed as good for the environment.
This site is being unfairly and artificially rated down by people who have an emotional bias. Very few of the objections here have anything to do with the scientific research or the veracity of the information; most of it is just essentially ignorant yelling. It's unfortunate and kind of embarrassing. I'd love to see actual research (aside from the cherry-picked studies that use tiny populations and show evidence of procedural problems and p-hacking), but none of the objectors seem to be able to offer any specific criticisms, just abject hysteria. The main reason I have rated this a "Good site" is because it gives links to actual research; I'm leaving the marketing claims out of my rating.
This site isn't spreading malicious software or dangerous to you as an user. Neither is it running an online scam. Misleading claims and unethical practices are not related to how this website is run, but a criticism of the company itself. Regardless of what you think of Monsanto as a company It's website is safe to use. Low child safety rating has absolutely no basis in reality. WoT as a service is being delegitimized by political bias and opinions. You can no longer trust WoT to give you accurate information on the topic of online security and safety.
Компания Монсанто уничтожает данную Богом, естественную флору и фауну, уничтожает баланс и всю Природу Земли, Здоровье и само Человечество! ***** Поддержите петицию: *****
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