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Advertised along with a number of other online casinos in spam email.
not possible to delete account
Sending consant spam emails to my account. I have not given them permission to email me. I've never even been to their website.
There is no reason for green status. Massive spamvertised via 3rd party sites. Do not enter credit card/bank details. Do not download adware apps. No imprint and mostly driven by criminals. Sometimes you don't receive anything and just have lost your money. You will receive a lot more spam if you offer/they have your email address form several other casinos with belong to this group. ---------------------------------------------- Site in Malta is indirect spamvertized using forwarders. Forwarders are ***** ***** ***** *****
E-Mail Spam, in some countrys it is illegal for children or people under the age 21. Where they get E-mail-adress from people ? Not truthworth.
Well,you will get some extra tiny programs when playing on MRGreen.. Eset Nod32 f example detects some malware/adware, but the main problem with this site is that when you actually win something,it is impossible to get the money out... Took me 4 weeks and numerous hours when I tride to cashout 1000$... They are a part of a syndicate that whitelaunderss money btw.. Comes from one of their employees inMalta that is a friend of mine.. They will accept ANYcreditcard with no questions,even if it`s not your own cc, but as I said earlier, when you want to withdraw money you have to upload your PASSPORT, bankaccountdetails,a transcript of your last month`s details of your bankaccount`s transactions,they get your social security-number.. That can be used to whatever they want, send it to 3rd-parties,etc etc.. I will say that is quite dangerous,I asked them to remove all details completely, got a reply 2 weeks later that "sorry,but it is stated in the blablabla that we MUST keep this information for 5 years during some Malteese law.. This is only one of maybe 25 onlinecasino sites run by sweedish and baltic people with whoknows-intentions acc to the passportpicture and sc-number..
Also spams at Facebook, typically in picture captions that are shared publicly and passed along by innocent users.
It is a nice site if you like online casinos, You can play a lot of casino games it is fun. you can play for fun and with real money
Good Site , nothing bad and no problems by getting the 20 free spins- there is no dangerous software to download, all games can be played online. Have Fun and no Fear to try it-
This is a safe homepage no problems at all. They have made advertising on the tv and radio to.
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