Безопасен ли pagefair.net?

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provides valuable ad-blocker analytics and revenue recovery tools, but its setup is complex and the interface is not very intuitive.
Avoid this website. Strange script, not trusted.
They are all about anti-ad blocking. Looking at some source code of websites, it appears that the way they tell if you are using an ad-blocker is to measure how long it takes to load a page. Companies like this don't get it: we block ads not because we are moochers but because we don't like being tracked. Their home page says "Respectful and sustainable advertising". But in their privacy policy, it states something that is not respectful at all: "PageFair may help advertising partners improve the relevance of advertising on websites that make use of the Services by performing user matching. User matching permits an advertising partner to recognise when a random first-party user ID from PageFair corresponds to a user ID (and any associated advertising targeting data) that the partner already holds."
Those domain ***** and pagefair.net primary activity is ad targeting/advertising/tracking domain Those domain ***** and pagefair.net are a privacy concern. Because they tracks you and serves ads. In other words, those domain tracks you from site to site. Collect that information. Then sell it to third parties to monetize. Those domain actively promotes ways to do so under the false pretense of helping advertisers "reclaim adblocked revenue. The site tries to circumvent adblock and hosts ads that promote misleading/fake claims like "fake download button" ads, "your PC has been infected" ads, "click here to claim your prize", etc. The type of ads that make novice users panic, click and accidentally install the malware/crapware that these "advertisers" intentionally offer. Make no mistake, this is a site by scumbags for scumbags.". Read more at ***** This domain name is owned by the for profit corporation PageFair Limited with Registrant Name Brian McDonnell. Sources: https://gwhois.org/pagefair.net+dns ***** Related WOT: https://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/pagefair.net ***** If you need stronger security and privacy with ad blocking, you might be interested to consider another software with the code fully publicly available for review. Such as uBlock Origin: For Firefox at ***** For Google Chrome at ***** Source code at ***** Reviews at ***** Double check that you use the legit "uBlock Origin". Not the scam and unethical "uBlock" at ***** Those two software are very different.
specializes in displaying ads to people who have ad blocking turned on.
It appears to be yet another dead script. When will WOT give us a dead/useless category?
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