Безопасен ли palimpalem.com?

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Es buena, y es de total confianza. :D Saludos *****
Engaged in phishing. -- Appeared on a list of valid phishing sites on Sunday, August 19, 2012. See also: *****
Unsafe website, do not put in any of your details on this website, this website is pretending to be steam, the legitimate website is ***** *****
This website is classified as a phishing website. It is associated with attempts to acquire sensitive information such as user names, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity. You should not enter confidential information on this website. *****
palimpalem.com - This domain or a related subdomain was detected as a confirmed phishing site in December 2011. It was listed at ***** where you can search on it for more details. Beware of links that look like a bank, but actually send you to a different site. Here are some other examples - ***** is actually the site ***** - nothing to do with Paypal ***** is actually ***** and nothing to do with Paypal direct-certs.bankofamerica.com.IDSTKOI.COM/direct/certupdate/ is actually IDSTKOI.COM and nothing to do with Bank of America ***** is actually ***** and nothing to do with Bank of America Phish sites may later be cleaned up and made safe again, but owners need to improve their security to prevent reinfection.
El sitio es seguro, y su información muy valiosa, solo la marcan como negativa, porque hay demasiada ignorancia.
es mi paguina y es muy buena
Un buen sitio para alojar webs ^^
este sitio no tiene nada de malo, esta totalmente limpio
palimpalem.com is a online website creation tool. the tool is ok and secure without any problem. the websites created with palimpalem.com have url's like www.palimpalem.com/1/nameofuserwebsite sometimes users are creating websites with ilegal contents (which Palimpalem company removes inmediately) and theses user webistes have the same main url like the cms (content management system) palimpalem.com. that's why there are sometimes warnings. i think there has to be made a difference between the website creation tool palimpalem.com and the websites, which are created with palimpalem. i'm the creator and owner of palimpalem.com and i have some users who have problems with creting their website in palimpalem.com because wot is clasifying ist as bad. i hope i could explain the problem. thank you very much Martin Schenk Palimpalem S.L. Madrid, Spain *****
Un buen sitio para crear tu pagina web fácil sin saber HTML Su foro es muy bueno os lo recomiendo!
Mucho calor en verano, la gente no es muy agradable, sólo van al dinerito del visitante.
Identity Theft! FAKE online form, enter NO information! re: ***** NOTE: SafeBrowsing lists this as Reported Web Forgery OpenDNS has this domain blocked as PHISHing site.
permite crear paginas web facil y rapido
Palimpalem is a Spanish site dedicated to help people to design their website free and easy. It is safe and fun.
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О приложении

Мы просмотрели более 2 миллионов веб-сайтов, и их число продолжает расти. WOT — это легкое расширение, разработанное, чтобы помочь вам быстро и безопасно просматривать веб-страницы. Он очистит ваш браузер, ускорит его работу и защитит вашу личную информацию.

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