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من به خاطر تایید تلفن نتوانستم
Its a paid survey site. Not suitable for children under a certain age.
When you follow the directions correctly, you actually do get paid for it but you have to reach a certain point before you can cash out. I have been paid several times from this company.
Identity theft / credit card abuse SCAM "work from home" wealth /profit system collecting name / email / phone number for "leads" and plausible future spam enter NO information, attempt no transaction re: ***** DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/pandaresearch.com.html DNS: http://bgp.he.net/dns/pandaresearch.com
WARNING: This fake news site is one of numerous "work from home" scam sites. You would be well advised to stay far away from these crooks. Learn more: *****
fake news lead to work at home scam
I have no idea of the policies and practices with teens or pre teens I imagine it is almost nil. I am doing freelance product evaluation for them and am new at that but so far so good.
I've been a member of Panda Research for almost 6 years. I've paid my own money and completed every step I was told to complete to earn my keep with their service. For about a month now, I've been fighting tooth and nail to receive my $50 check from them. I was even told by one of their service representatives that the check is on its way and has been approved. After checking the mail box day in and day out, I finally contacted them and was told that the manager has declined my payments because my money has been sitting in the account too long. All that hard work, for nothing. Instead, I'm left defenseless and regretting ever signing up with them. For years, their sketchy surveys have redirected me to websites that have left my computer with malware and my email account with more spam than I'll ever know what to do with - some of which cannot be unsubscribed from. My privacy has been violated and, in this surveyor's opinion, this company is absolutely untrustworthy. If you want to make money from legitimate services, I recommend Amazon's Mechanical Turk or Global Test Market. I just hope that someone is reading this right now and can back out of Panda Research before it's too late.
I use this site for income. I have had no difficulties to date.
No problem. I click every day on every survey. Some I do. some I don.t But the points add up and I got paid, with no problem.
Get ***** won't...try it...good luck, on your own.
I have tried to remove my self from this site and it refuses to go though!!!!!!
It's just what they say they are. I've not had any problems with them.
Every survey leads to a web site that is rated poor.Every survey links to another site that wants you to complete offers,ie;pay for crap you dont want.
I got paid on schedule. I waited until I got paid, before I posted this comment. I wanted to be fair to this company. Followed the directions, waited the published waiting time, got my PayPal payment on the day they said I would. Everything as expected.
If you want to pay to get paid, feel free, not for me!
no problems after 6 months
I've had no problems so far
They spamvertise at Job search boards, particularly Yahoo hot jobs. Imagine getting paid to answer questions. Unbelievable. Borders on scam. By the way not to be confused with Panda anti virus.
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