Безопасен ли pharmemlyn87c.ru?

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Spammer listed with Joewein re: ***** DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/pharmemlyn87c.ru.html
Blacklisted by Joe Wein for sending spam
Es besteht die Gefahr d. Identitätsdiebstahls/ Kreditkartenmissbrauchs. Werden Medikamente angeboten, sind das keine echten und bergen die Gefahr schwerer Erkrankung/ Vergiftung/ des Tods. This site carries the risk of identity theft/ credit card abuse. If drugs are offered, they won’t be real drugs and carry a risk of diseases/ poisoning/ dying. Info: *****
This is not a pharmacy! It is a scam! pharmemlyn87c.ru is one of the sites run by the SpamPromo/RxPromotion criminal organization in Russia (rx-promotion.com). They are not pharmacists. They don't even know any pharmacists they can consult for information. For instance, if you try to order any medications from a TheCanadianRxDrugs/TheUSDrugs website, they AUTOMATICALLY put free tabs of (generic) Viagra in your shopping cart -- even if you're ordering drugs that are part of the ''nitrate'' family. That is a LETHAL combination. No real pharmacist would do that! .'' Obviously, it's just a sham site to collect your credit card number. If you were foolish enough to give these people a credit card number, cancel your card NOW. And in the unlikely event something shows up in the mail, do NOT put it in your mouth! All of the drugs on this site are generics. Since many of these drugs aren't legally available as generics yet, you know they're counterfeits. And for those that are available as generics, the prices on this site are MUCH HIGHER than what they cost in your local pharmacy. (Since they are promising their affiliates up to 75% commissions, and they are presumably taking a cut themselves, don't assume they can provide more than sugar pills even for those high prices.) The only people who would pay that much are those trying to avoid having to get a prescription from their doctors, and so they have probably kept their online ordering secret. When someone dies from taking drugs from this site, no one will ever know that was the cause. There is no way of knowing how many people have been murdered in this way by the criminal spammers running these sites. Don't support these killers by giving them your credit card number, too. Discussion forums are at ***** Spamwiki article is at ***** More comments at http://www.siteadvisor.com/sites/pharmemlyn87c.ru/msgpage ***** How long has this site been in business? Check the "Creation date" at http://who.is/whois/pharmemlyn87c.ru/
Identity theft / credit card abuse FAKE online pharmacy enter no information; attempt no transaction re: ***** re: ***** DNS: http://www.robtex.com/dns/pharmemlyn87c.ru.html
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