Безопасен ли ponychan.net?

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★ 4.8
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На основе 5 отзывов

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This website is a very safe and wonderful website. If you are a fan of My Little Pony, you are sure to love this website. Occasional raids, preferablly from other imageboards, may happen to the website.
Furfaggotry at it's highest level, probably the biggest cancer on the internet.
A relatively fun site that's extremely welcoming to just about anyone. There are a few occasions when more adult oriented pictures are posted however, it is not entirely inappropriate. The environment is rather clean and the moderation is decent. It has gained a reputation for being the "gayest hugbox on the internet" but that's rather general and doesn't represent the majority of the events that take place there. The site has its conflicts and problems, but when faced with more significant problems, the posters are cooperative and exhibit the "love and tolerance" traits that some have come to despise. A good site and is definitely worth looking at if you like My Little Pony.
Ponychan used to be a neat site for the /co/ fans of mlp... until they became hugboxers and the mods became nazis. Basically Ponychan soon turned from a 4chan refugee site into a huge tripfriend trash heap that enforces "Love and tolerance" as some stupid religion, they'll ban you for saying anything negative about anyone or their site. On top of that, the way they ban you is illegal (through putting some file on your computer) and there are rumors that they actually keylog you. Since 4chan already has a pony board (despite it being a containment board) and there's many better imageboards for discussing ponies, I suggest staying away from this site entirely
Overall, it's a good site. It's an image board, that's pretty fairly moderated. However, now and again you'll run across a post that is a little adult orientated. This is usually because of language, or a suggestive theme or two. Other than that, its a pretty clean board. One of the cleaner ones that I've seen. And if you're into My Little Pony (The newer version of it), it's a plus. :) Enjoy!
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