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Good Site. Not for kids. Although this an Iran state sponsored news site, it is quite informative. It seems that the Iranian government choose to answer the western propaganda by presenting the facts ! Smart move from Iran, and very useful for those who need good information. It is very funny to see that many diplomats and business men from all over the world are watching it Beware for child when there is warning for graphics material it is often VERY graphic Only 6 Corporations control 90% of the media in the United States. All the western media CNN, BBC, CBS, FOX, MSNBC is Western Pro-Globalist is loaded with PROPAGANDA This website presents truthful information from Libya,Syria, Iran, and much of the Middle East. I trust this site, and so should you!
Iranian International News network in English.
This site is propaganda of Iran. You cannot comment anything that is against the view of the government of Iran.
This website is filled with Iranian propaganda, luckily this website is clear with malware & viruses.
Truth untold by the mainstream media can be found here.
Propagandaseite der brutalen mordenden Mullahdiktatur.
News site from Iran. It reeks of islamism.
This site provides state-sponsored propaganda as news. Tells lies and incites violence. Uses dubious sources, misleading and unsuitable for children.
Conspiracy theories which have been refuted thoroughly for years.
The best channel of information, it seems that the Iranian government choose to answer the wetern propaganda by presenting the facts ! Smart move and very useful for those who need good information. It is very funny to see that many diplomats and business man from all over the world are watching it Beware for child when there is warning for graphics material it is often VERY graphic
Today, the media all over the world is backed and governed by their states and the ideology they support, this is why, it becomes very important to be aware of the other side of the coin. ***** may too lie in the above category as well but, it becomes important because it comes from the other side of the world.
Worldwide Lobbymedia from the iranian dictatorship. Wenn es nicht so traurig wäre, müßte man lachen... Press TV gehört zu den Iranischen Staatsmedien und ist Teil weltumspannender Lobby des Regimes.
In a pluralistic society all voices must be heard.
Excellent site for another view of the news we are fed .Good news coverage with news which is not convenient to be aired by western pressand TV
good time pass, like all other news channel :]
Not trustable and very dangerous!! Press TV just reflect the ideas of the leader (dictatorship) of iran and sansor other reality according to what the dictator wants. please help us by clicking the red colors in WOT to warn other people.
- Not trustable and very dangerous!! Press TV just reflect the ideas of the leader (dictatorship) of iran and sansor other reality according to what the- dictator wants. please help us by clicking the red colors in WOT to warn other people.
Not - trustable and very dangerous!! Press TV just reflect the ideas of the leader (dictatorship) of iran and sansor other reality according to what the dictator wants!!. please help us by clicking the red colors in WOT to warn other -people.
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