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Spam email links redirect to subdomains of ***** ("Click 2 Sell") which redirect to hundreds (800+) of temporary client sites: a tribe of petty pick-pockets hawking gospels of miracle cures, automated wealth, free electricity, Work-at-Home Get-Rich-Quick schemes, pyramid and other scams, and porn, with a carnival side-show atmosphere. No single one merits an individual description. After ***** takes your money, you receive worthless products, detailed methods of descending into poverty, information freely available in the public domain for the cost of a search, or nothing at all except the possibility of recurring charges you cannot cancel. If these clients were legitimate, they would not hide at the end of chain-redirections from spam emails, and they would not associate with this bottom-feeding majority. Risks: tracking, spam, credit card fraud, identity theft, disease. Do not provide any financial or personal data.
Flight simulator software scam same scam as ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Click bait offer of a flight simulator so they can put malware/ransomware onto your computer or get to you pay for software that is open source and FREE. Only a fool trust their health or their money to a spammer NEVER trust a spammer NEVER buy from spammers (HIGH fraud risks) NEVER visit spammed web sites (HIGH malware risks)
Betrug! Hier wird eine sehr veraltete Version des kostenlos erhältliches Open-Source-Programms FlightGear verkauft. Die aktuelle Version des kostenlosen Originalprogramms findet Ihr hier: ***** Das Wiki von Flight Gear nimmt auch zu den Betügern Stellung: *****
Thanks a lot for deceiving me into wasting $100. I will never trust people like this again.
Spammers/identity harvesters hitting private corporate mail servers sending to nonexistent email addresses claiming opt-in.
Reselling the free Flight Gear.
What a con, along with Flight Pro Sim....
I like ***** matter where it came from....coz my husband is having fun playing it.
What they do is legal, the way they do it is appalling.
Put FlightGear (http://www.flightgear.org), an open source product available for free, in a bundle for purchase and you have the "ProFlightSimulator". At least it is a question of moral to sell other people's work which is done in uncountable hours of their free time. Whatever the "source code modification" for "ProFlightSimulator" might be, it remains FlightGear! It is strange to imagine that this vendor even has customers. Be smart, get FlightGear. Do not pay vendors like this who try to make money with other people's work. If you want to pay for a flight simulator, then please check for donation options at FlightGear or buy Microsoft Flight Simulator or X-Plane. Please read the official Flight Gear Statement: *****
If GPL gives a licence for free to modify the source code to distribute and sell, then what is every one winning about. We are free to do as they allow !
This site is selling, for money, a free and libre software package known as Flightgear. Flightgear is licensed under GPL, a license which allows the user to buy, distribute, and modify the source code of the program absolutely free! How can these people sleep at night, when they know that they are ripping good, open source software, taking credit away from hard working developers and putting it all on themselves!
These people have re-packaged a FREE and excellent flight application from ***** and are charging for it. Not a penny of their ill gotten revenue has gone to the real authors. Shame on these dishonest people!
This is a copy of the open source flight simulator Flightgear
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