Безопасен ли saa-recovery.org?

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Обзоры сообщества
★ 3.9
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безопасность для детей

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This site is helpful for those who have an addiction. It's subject matter is not really for children, but it does serve a vital need for those who desire to recover. It is a good site doing good work.
I see nothing at this site that should rate it poorly. It is a site that is good to direct those having problems sexually to seek help.
i don't understand why this site is rated poorly
This site is the international service organization for 12 step groups. The site contains a wealth of information for anyone suffering from sex addition.
I have found Sex Addicts Anonymous to be a group where people from all walks of life -- regardless of race, religion, political views, gender, sexual orientation or economic status -- can find tools they need to help stop themselves from sexual habits or practices that are abusive to oneself or others. I've found it to be an invaluable asset in my own struggle to temper certain behaviors that I have thus far been unable to handle on my own. The website itself is a font of information and resources on sexual addiction recovery. I haven't found anything there that is cause for alarm. Because anonymity in the membership is important, contact information is offered without any requirement whatsoever for personal details from the requester. None of the materials available for download appear to be cause for alarm; my own virus-protection software has found nothing undue. I noticed that the lowest average rating for this site is under the "Child Safety" category. There is no explicit language to be found anywhere on the site, and it contains adult themes only in the context of helping those in anguish. I believe the only reason this website could be interpreted as unsafe for children is that it does not appear to be blocked when using the default settings on content filter software such as NetNanny or CyberPatrol.
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