Безопасен ли secure.speedycash.com?

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The website itself is secure. This company offers high-interest payday and car title loans which many people find objectionable. But the company does provide very clear loan terms that the user must agree to before the loan can be processed. A typical $255 payday loan costs about $45 (an APR of 715.69%) which can be described as predatory or usurious, but it is not a scam as others have described. This company's practices are on par with other lenders who offer high-risk/unsecured loans.
I am surprised that I get a warning that speedycash is considered poor because of it being malware, possible phishing. I never had this problem before. I have used it for all business transactions. WOT is on my computer to detect if a site is good or bad. WOT is considered as a good site. Like any payday loan, the interest of paying back a loan is extrordinarily high. That is all regulated by the State. Overall, it is trustworthy as far as transactions are concerned and over the years that I have used it, I wasn't scammed once and dealing are honest. You get what you pay for and as unfortunate as people use it, it is still a means to get money temporarily to see you through to next payday. I still give it a positive review.
I've dealth with this site A LOT. They're very good people and easy to work with. They'll even work with you if you can't pay on time by postponing your due date with no penalties, extra cost, or fees. I've done business with other sites like this that try to burn you at every turn, with penalties, extra cost and/or fees. However ' ABSOLUTELY NOT' SpeedyCash. They ARE THE BEST AND THE ONLY SITE LIKE THIS I'LL DEAL WITH.. ~ PERIOD!!! ~ Highly recommended by me. Whoever gave it a bad rating is full of it and I put that on everyone and thing I love in this world. Thank You very much SpeedyCash for all the bailouts.. J. West
So far, every time that I have done business with this company it has been plain and simple... a good customer experience. I don't quite know why this site has a poor rating, because I have been doing business with this company for several months, with no problem.
I have been using them since 2 yrs ago, and i never had problems with them. The google chrome people should update their ratings of speedycash website because its not fair to them.
I have used Speedy Cash for short term needs a number of times during the last year. They have been great to work with, and their fees are the lowest I have seen. They are fast, and depending on your banking institution normally have your funds deposited within 24 hours. I have been unable to work for the last year due to my health, and if it wasn't for Speedy Cash I would have had no electricity, or gasoline to get to the doctor on more than one occasion while waiting for my disability check.
I feel compelled to reiterate prior support for this company in an effort to help other consumers and to improve its rating. Since I see nothing but positive comments, I can only guess that WOT keeps old ratings (more than two years) molding away in its closets OR someone in its organization does not understand the time value of money and the nature of the service this (and like kind) firm is performing. The word Speedy (as in their name) should be a big hint. This site in particular is much better than dealing with banks -- including the cost of renting money.
This site is a good SAFE site. I use the site regularly.
Rapid Cash locations is well known in my state and their website is is safe in my opinion.
I have nothing but good things to say about this company, and I will continue to do business with them. I don't understand the negative rating given by WOT. This is the best site of it's kind. I have used them for loans 9 times w/o any problems. I am usually funded the same day I apply.
Have used their services without out any problem. In fact, based on experience, they are one of the best "payday" online vendors out there. I can always rely on their deposit hitting my bank account within 24 hrs. -- much better than the 48 hr + deposit time of other companies.
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