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This site is all about you purchasing message packs, they will engage in chatting but that's to hook you in to buy more message packs. No female will ever want to meet up .. its a con from the get go
I attempted to set up a rapport with 4 women on the site at different times and the dialogue followed the same format . The interest shown was overly enthusiastic but as soon as any attempt was made to discuss any vaguely personal details ie family, status, possibility of meeting the responses were all very coy . In fact at no time after several weeks did I come close to meeting anyone. Also contact was always one message sent one message returned as soon as messages out were stopped by me I heard nothing more even though there was excited interest expressed in the last message to me. No - Its an expensive SCAM- steer well clear.!!
I've given this site a second chance and the benefit of the doubt it would seem the owners as soon as they are bad rated change the address and switch servers as well this would indicate that something unsavoury is going and that the owners are not actually running a dating site but a Catfish site. For two months I was speaking to a local 51 year old woman who lived not too far from me and usually with internet dating you tend to have some idea if someone is interested in getting to know you within a couple of weeks of messages going back and forth. She however as she is married has insisted the only way she can talk to me is within the site and at £10 per seven messages this is becoming highly suspect I have spent £40 this week on them and have rapidly come to the conclusion that she is likely being paid to make me think she is interested and has no intention to meet me at all. This leads me to my precise warning do not take this site on face value one woman is clearly a fraud if begs the question how many of the women's profiles on this site are real and how many are fake. A lot of them seem to be of really old ugly women who are topless and in various other explicit poses they do not look genuine and look like they have been lifted from a profile on face book or other fake adult dating sites that people have been sucked into thinking are genuine. I will be attempting to contact the site owners in order have them explain to me on the phone if this woman is real and why they have changed the site name from the old address and what the reasons where. The site is shown to be registered in Germany which again for a UK site means it is potentially a criminal fraud that has been set up. I don't care about being duped for small amounts of money I can afford to do it but I am concerned other users who are not so careful with money will be fooled by this site into thinking it is a genuine dating site. This site needs to be red ringed fast if the owners are not straight with me about the intent they have or that the woman I have been speaking to is real. BE AWARE!
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