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Placed my order on December 13th. Got a invoice in my e-mail with a promise of shipping within 2-3 business days and the money was gone from my bank. I had a feeling it would not ship before Christmas so I did not worry when I did not get a shipping e-mail any day the next week. January 3rd I sent an e-mail to them and got no response at all. A week later and I started reading other reviews and comments on the Company's Facebook page and found out that I'm not the only one. Edit: The item did ship on the 17th of January, but I never got a response from the contact e-mail. I would not mind it taking a while to ship, but there should be some sort of communication if the items do not ship in the 2 to 3 day window they promise.
I will never be shopping here again. This company has the worst customer service I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. I placed an order for a friend's birthday on Monday at 2:00PM EST. I received confirmation of my order via email on Monday at 5:25PM EST and in that email confirmation, it stated "We’ll have your order shipped out ASAP! Look for our shipping-confirmation e-mail within 24-48 hours with your tracking number!" Tuesday came around and no shipping confirmation email received. Fine. Wednesday rolled around and STILL no shipping confirmation email received. So at the end of Wednesday, I sent an email to the company's customer service department wondering what was going on with my order, since my only communication with them was the order confirmation email I received on Monday. On Wednesday at 11:20PM EST (AFTER THE 48 HOUR TIME PERIOD THEY GUARANTEED IN THEIR ORDER CONFIRMATION EMAIL), I received a reply from customer service stating the following "the yoda mats were damaged during shipping (dis coloration) so we didn't want to send you an inferior product. We got new ones yesterday. I can check to see if we can cancel your order still if you want? If not, it will be shipped by Friday." SOOOOO Imagine my confusion that the product was allegedly "shipped," but I had not received any shipping confirmation email. Then the product was damaged (which is whatever) and would now be shipped on Friday morning (which is now over 84 hours from when the original order was placed). There was no communication in the shipment mishaps, UNTIL I had contacted customer service. There was no communication at all. Would they have even notified me of the shipping mishap and the delay had I not contacted them to find out the status? Who knows? Apparently leaving your customers in the dark is acceptable customer service. SO I wrote them back saying that I was disappointed in their customer service and how they handled their communication of the incident and was curious if I could get a shipping refund, since the shipping was so delayed. You would have thought that I had threatened their first born child. I received an aggressive reply from "management" on Thursday night at 7:50PM EST (the night before I was now told my product would be shipped) with the following changed story: "We feel there is a miscommunication going on. Therefore, to make it more simple, please allow me to present a timeline of events: You placed your order on 9/21 at 2:30pm Your order STARTED processing 9/22 at 8:00am You must allow companies at least 48 hours of processing time before you can get angry. However, I will say that we do TYPICALLY process within 24 hours, but just because we're unusually fast in most cases doesn't mean that's 100% of the time. Your order was ready for shipment this morning, 9/24, but because you inquired with customer service, we held off shipping it in case you decided you wanted a refund. Once something is shipped, we can't refund you. Therefore, with that timeline in mind, we're a little confused as to why you're so upset. You placed an order that WOULD have shipped within 72 hours had you not contacted customer service and had your order flagged for a possible no-ship scenario." Hmmm I'm not sure which confuses me more....the fact that they kept changing between "we" and "me" in their email OR the fact that I am now being blamed for the delay in my order. It's also funny how this 2nd person is now saying my product never shipped at all and that I had flagged the shipment by contacting them. This 2nd person never mentions anything about the first shipment being damaged and being re-shipped and THAT is what is causing the delay. Sounds to me like these guys need to get their stories straight. They're doing an excellent job of coming off as unprofessional, disorganized, and defensive.....and for what? Just because I wanted to know where my product was? Heaven forbid...I mean, it's not like they have my money or anything. Great customer service, guys! Bang up job. Keep up the good work. I think your company is going to be super successful! <eyeroll> Who knows if my friend will ever get this product. I doubt I'll receive a shipping confirmation email today. I probably just got scammed out of $70. If the product is received, I will update this post. Still terrible customer service though.
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