Безопасен ли skyscanner.fr?

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So I know people are going to kill me for what I'm going to say, but this website cannot be trusted. It's a good website, but the information provided are not correct in a lot of cases. I take the plane twice a week in the whole Europe for my job, I change airport departure and arrival a lot and the hours are never the same. On skyscanner, most of the prices indicated DO NOT correspond to what you're going to pay. So I know it does not include taxes, or damn paid luggage, but even though, when it indicates flight around 60€ with the timing you want, you just go and pick it, fill everything, then when you arrive at the flight company website, the ticket price triples (one day I even had one more 0). Sometimes a flight is indicated around 2€, wow. Of course once you're redirected it's a good 100€ more. Sometimes, when you click the flight does not exist. Sometimes you have a cheap price for your timing, when you're redirected price is the same but for a different timing. Obviously your timing is much more expensive. Sometimes, your flight do exists but after 5min on the website it takes 50€ more. It's amazing. One that I like is "We are sorry to inform you that the company increased the ticket price of 100€". So good, yet I click update prices on skyscanner. Unfortunately most of the flights comparative websites do the same the thing. I will not quote eDreams also which is horrible in this domain. It's a disease that spreads for all the comparatives website. I'm not blaming them because they may not have the choice, but it kills your nerves 90% of the time. So trust my experience, go on the Airline website and book your ticket there. Do not use the comparatives thinking it will be cheaper or easier. It works well for trips that you plan in advance, else forget it. Good luck guys!
Le meilleur site pour comparer les prix de toutes les compagnies, clair, net, précis, à jour, fiable, j'ai pu réserver mon voyage au meilleur prix en regardant tous les jours les tarifs augmenter... puis baisser. super vraiment, je recommande fortement.
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