Безопасен ли snap.do?

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GUILTY for: I might not need to explain this one, but here's the SINS this site has! -Shitware (Ads by Amazon?! WHAT THE HOLY SHITE?!) -Spyware (Installed in secret. WHY?!) -Sneakware (Hijacks browser befor) -Stupidware (Doesn't uninstall completely) -Stinkware (Installs MALWARE!) -Stankware (At least ***** will leave your browser alone if you don't install ANYTHING on there!) -Stunkware (Adds many pointless registry entries and dll's.) -Scareware (Toolbars suck) -Suckware (Changes your webpage) -Scamware (Forces reseting browsers.) Stages of website 1. "Nice." 2. "SERIOUSLY?! IT INSTALLS ADS?! AND MALWARE?!" 3. "REMOVE SNAPDO KEBAB" 4. [uninstalling firefox] 5. "OH NO! Oh no...there goes my personal firefox data..." tl;dr: REMOVE SNAPDO KEBAB FROM THE INTERNET
***** is a browser hijacker, do not trust it, no matter what its website claims. You can also get through ¨free¨ downloads, so be cautious.
Never ever go to this site, please.
Full of virusses! If you enter this website, it will set itself as your homepage and it will download a ton of spyware!
Steer clear of this, it hijacks your browser and installs malware to your machine.
acts like malware - windows did not recognize it - it is hiding some where, because i cant find all of it
It is a virus. Even when/if u do get rid of it, it still keeps popping up a small box say "SRPTM topped working checking for a solution this problem". Have no idea how I am going get rid of that its driving me crazy.
Unlike mysearchresults.com, which is repeatedly slandered by most WOT members, snap.do will HIJACK your browser! I am a past victim of snap.do. Later I find a way to block snap.do and reset my homepage to apple.com. I do not install any toolbars and I've never visited snap.do (before snap.do hijacked my browser). That's suspicious.
This site goes without saying, it's dangerous, secretly installs malware on your machine, and is so difficult to remove, that some anti-virus programs can't detect or remove all of it. It's a total nightmare.
Installed on my computer without permission and infects web browsers with adware and downloads other malware to your computer.
***** is a browser hijacker, meaning it will screw around with your internet browsers by doing things like making its website your homepage and search engine & installing junkware like useless (and possibly malicious) toolbars. And it's a pain in the butt to remove.
This website is malicious. It is a hack of the browser. This video can help you with IE, Chrome and Firefox: *****
This website is not the only way to get infected with the snap.do hijacker. It can be surreptitiously installed while installing some other "free" application, such as a "free" pdf writer. Not easy for a novice to remove. Even after your anti-malware app has removed the dozens of registry entries and dll's, you will have to reset your browsers.
This program attempts to install itself on all of your browsers, then sets itself as your homepage. It is often in installation packages, where a careless user may sometimes forget to uncheck a box or two and lets the program install. Overall, it is malicious and often filled with adware and viruses.
Installs a toolbar that changes the homepage and default search engine. How all these toolbars, keeps track of the visits made by the user and sends it to their servers to send targeted advertising.
Wurde mit Zortam installiert, ohne mein wissen. Trotz Deinstallation kommt die Startseite immer wieder - sehr lästig.
If you've come here because it comes up as your start-page google chrome or something... I know how to fix it :D... but only on Google Chrome... Check your control panel > uninstall programs and remove quickshare.exe... well thats how it came up as mine Go to the 3 lines thingy Click tools Click extensions Click settings Where it says "Open a specific page or set of pages" click on set pages.
Full of Viruses and other malicious stuff.
Comes Bundled with Software. Worst crap ever.
This garbage installed itself onto my computer.
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