Безопасен ли spiritualresearchfoundation.org?

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i love it ,its very informative ,has widened my knowledge
Just a spiritual site. Those who disagree with or don't understand the information have labeled it as scam site, rather than just "opinions". No scams here, just another nonprofit sharing beliefs they feel benefit the human race.
This website has changed my whole perspective on life, it is one of the most valuable resources on the web today, and gives completely honest knowledge and practical tools to become a happier, more open and caring person. Use to the best of your ability
Spiritualism isn't scientificly proovable.. so please stop your so called thinking.. you'r just way off the line.
No scams, no malicious incentives. Just a non-profit spiritual organization. Insightful information.
This organization is non-profit and has no malicious incentives. It presents information that the reader can or cannot believe. Whether the reader believes in the material presented in the website, the information is thoroughly explained in an easily understandable manner. As with all religion, it is subject to the reader's opinions and beliefs. This cannot be deemed as a malicious website as there are no malicious motives or scams from this website. That said, I believe the information and theory that SSRF provides can be beneficial towards today's society and shouldn't be completely disregarded. The website provides practical benefits of maintaining morals and righteousness within society. It also provides a larger purpose within individuals' lives. This is more important than ever as in today's society there seems to be an 'ethical free-fall' in which people are becoming more and more unethical. Additionally we can see today there are increasing rates of turmoil across the world. Depression within society is racing towards an all-time high. The World Health Organization reports that "suicide rates have increased 60 percent over the past 50 years, most strikingly in the developing world, and that by 2020 depression will be the second most prevalent medical condition in the world." In accordance to that, atheism is now the world's biggest 'faith' after Christianity and Islam. ***** The website SSRF provides statistical back-ups for their claims. Although these cannot be proven by physical means, they claim to prove it through spiritual means, or "sixth sense". This cannot be proven nor disproven by modern science. However, across the globe and in history there are numerous claims of people who can perceive the spiritual dimension. Edgar Cayce's and Nostradamus' accurate predictions are just some prime examples of the possibility of a spiritual dimension. The website does provide the use of biofeedback machines in which they measure the energetic levels of objects and individuals. http://www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org/spiritual-life/research-on-vibrations-emitted-by-meat-and-wine-using-bio-feedback-instrument I suggest to readers to be open-minded to the information on this site and not to discriminate. Whether you believe the information or not is in your power.
This site explains terms and concepts common to the Hindu religion which are nothing new. The fact that it calls itself by another brand is something altogether different, but then again many of the Hindu religions claims are said to be backed up by science. This is nothing new. Others who have expressed negative opinions of the site may simply not be able to swallow beliefs that are different than theirs. There is nothing malicious about this site, it does not produce spam. The donations are as on any other site - you do or you don't.
Terrible site; nothing but misleading claims and misinformation. When you start making claims about spirits, hauntings, etc., you better be able to back up those claims with scientific evidence, peer-reviewed studies, etc. Otherwise, you're just making stuff up out of whole cloth and you deserve to be ridiculed.
"Spiritual Research" is almost an oxymoron. There is nothing there. When Spirituality has been studied thousands of times over the centuries by people honestly trying to find out if it works, they found nothing but scam-artists and self-deluded people using confirmation bias to allow them to continue to believe things for which there was no evidence and against which there was tonnes of evidence. Save your money and your health. Ignore these hot-air salespeople.
This website provides made up statistics for made up concepts... It's pretty blatantly fake information.
scientific site with much useful guid
To sum it up: pseudoscience.
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