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замечательный сайт с темами, давно пользуюсь, всем рекомендую!
this was recently removed from the chrome webstore because it tracked all the webiste you visited and sent it to another server DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS
Since the google decided to remove Stylish extension has been removed not working anymore :/
Removed from Google and Mozilla stores for selling browsing information.
The stylish app was removed for selling its users browsing data. Just make sure to use the stylus app to install styles from here
Trustworthy. View site w/ ADBlkr installed.
Home of Stylish.  An excellent Firefox plugin that you can style the browser the way you like.
Custom themes for your favorite sites, free and safe.
Other: may contain inappropriate content
A extensão que usa esse site para pegar os estilos visuais e ótima para ate resolver alguns problemas no YouTube por exemplo com aquele novo tamanho do player terrível para quem tem computador fraco aqui existe um tal de youtube old default que restaura o tamanho padrão do player de 640x360 de antigamente stylish o hoje no youtube e a minha salvação uso e recomento muito bom mesmo.
There is some spectacular user content in there- but logging in is a risk. It has broken encryption.
Site works. All I can say really, as you'll usually find whar you want, and if you don't find what you want, you can roll your own CSS and share with the community. Also does Greasemonkey scripting, and the Stylish plugin exists for a variety of applications. Don't look up bad stuff and you don't get bad stuff. Many styles on the website become outdated as developers change the look and feel of their webpage, but fixes and re-releases are quite common so such things are resolved within a week at best, month at worse. Edit, after some time watching the site with my ad blocker off: Website participates in advertising of products associated with iWon / MindSpark, known for the devastatingly unpopular MyWeb/MyWay/FunWeb software connected to adware and malware, primarily products such as PopularScreensavers and CursorMania, as well, other odd websites with fake download buttons. So basically, don't click ads and you'll be fine. Just a shame Jason's website is plagued with bad advertising, since it's so useful.
You can find, build, extend, redefine browser styles to your heart's content here.
I love this one a lot!
Большое количество стилей на браузеры на любой вкус.
Was soll dass denn jetzt? Viel zu große Thumbnails. Soll das nun eine Bildgallery werden? Ich möchte wissen was das Script kann und nicht Kunstwerke sehen.
Excellent directions and clean files for you to use as skins for your Firefox Browser. There has yet to be a found infected file on this site. The developer is very good at keeping his servers clean and organized. I will always get my user scripts from this site and never another !! Thanks userstyles.org !! Keep up the great work and Skins !! they are awesome :-)
This is the stylesheets repository for the excellent Stylish Firefox and compatible browser add-on. Stylish gives you the power to modify the design of a website, from simple color alteration to massive webpage makeover. Of course userstyles isn't limited to only the web. You can define stylesheets that will modify the appearance and behavior of Firefox and all within its interface.
Good site for changing the looks of web pages in your browser. Note to parents: there are some inappropriate styles, but for the most-part there's nothing to worry about
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О приложении

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