Безопасен ли vaccineinjury.info?

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На основе 14 отзывов

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Pushes an anti-vaccination agenda and encourages fear mongering and medical fraud in reporting fabricated injuries.
All sites that present alternative views to the idea that vaccines are wholly "safe and effective" are censored by these online rating systems. This site presents good information, backed by science and anecdote, from the other side of the vaccine equation. We don't like to acknowledge that vaccines are NOT always safe or effective for everybody, and since they do NO testing to rule out who could potentially be harmed, when it comes to vaccines, it's buyer beware. Do your own research. Make up your own mind. Start with vaccine inserts. Research ingredients. Your health, your body, your choice.
I trust this website for what I intend to use it for ~ gather more info on vaccines. It is a subject more people should be researching. So one's view of the site probably depends on one's view of vaccines. The subject matter itself doesn't lend toward being suitable for children.
Absolutely fine very informative site! Poor rating was unfairly given doubtless by Big Pharma shills and trolls
Rabid anti-vaccination site. Contains only dangerous misinformation meant to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt about vaccines. Do not trust.
One of the worst anti-vaccine websites. It is a menace to public health and safety. It is virulently anti-science, anti-medicine and anti-vaccines. Avoid this site if you value your health and the health of your children. If you don't give a shit about either, dive head first into sickening cesspool of lies and woo that is VaccineInjury.info.
This site is a breath of fresh air! Most information about vaccines is based on drug company propaganda. This site presents the latest info that is not dependent on drug company money. We need more reliable, independent voices like this one to bring a better understanding of the dangers of vaccines.
It is anti American to try to silence opposing opinion. Be a real American and do your homework. The truth will prevail. This site is about information. Believe it or don't believe, your choice. Thankfully we have a choice. In a communist country we would have no choice. We would have to believe what our overlords (read government) tells us or be punished. Every single organization needs support of some sort. Either we support them through our checkbooks or we support them through our taxes (again, read government). If the government supports an organization (or a department) then that entity is bound to fall in line with their doctrine.
Excellent site!! Thankfully, someone has started collecting proof of the benefits of good health and detriment occurring due to vaccinations. Hopefully, the gullible people who swallow the lies of the government can finally start to see the benefits of taking responsibility for their children's future well-being.
Anti-vaccination site a threat to the health of children. Spreads dangerous false information about vaccination and disease. Asks for money.
It is a shame when WOT users give poor ratings to websites simply because they do not agree with the opinions / perspective of that site! This is a very useful and informative website. Some day in the future (hopefully sooner rather than later), we will all appreciate sites like these which question the toxins being injected into our babies' & children's bodies without proper study, and while doctors & pharmaceutical companies willfully ignore the ever growing lists of illnesses, diseases, and deaths caused by vaccines. Just like the Germans under Hitler believed everything their govt did was for the "greater good", too many people are following Big Pharma without questioning all the catastrophic consequences. It took the German public many years (decades?) to really understand the horrific things taking place thanks to their evil govt; let's hope the rest of the world opens their eyes a little faster & stops just accepting what our govts tell us (about anything, including vaccines). another excellent site, rating down for the same reasons: *****
Wonderful site! Thank you for compiling this very important data.
Extremely credible site. Very important and helpful for information about vaccine dangers and for the many who have had their lives ruined by vaccines.
Some people would rather trust their government, and big pharmaceutical companies with their profiteering and patents, than experiences and reviews from fellow consumers. My questions to you are: 'Do you want the government to also pick just one smartphone for everyone? Or one personal computer for everyone?' And that's fine - if you want to buy into the system and turn a blind eye, go right ahead. But don't force the rest of us into your version of 'utopia' with untested, unnatural man made drugs while trumpeting that 'the government says it's OK! No known side effects!'
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