Безопасен ли vistaprint.co.uk?

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Site clean according to VirusTotal I had similar experience to balckwidow73 I had email with sender appearing to be Vistaprint with links to genuine vistaprint site http://www.vistaprint.co.uk/ and indicating correct phone number. I phoned the Vistaprint number as email appeared to be genuine, APART FROM the fact it referred to "My recent purchase" - I have never used Vistaprint. The person on the phone was very unhelpful and just repeated "It is a scam. Don't worry other people are getting them too." ! "
It's either: A shop or other that uses SPAM to his promotion (adverts), even famous brands, deemed reliable, do the same now, I've seen public services in any country to use SPAM for their advancement (tourism, trade fairs, shows, festivals, etc..), there is only a small step for hospitals, police, governments, schools, ... will go do the same too. A disaster of modern times now affecting other means of mobile communications (smartphones, tablets, SMS, etc..). Or if it's either: An address used for SPAM, endless new addresses (even the wacky, with a letter changed, weird word, numbers, .......) are created permanently to bypass filters, updated constantly, that harassed and antispam services put to block this scourge! Apparently this is the feast of site creations including fake sites for spam, scams, to sell us (legally or illegally) their products or services, and pollute the planet with electric resources wasted, thank you also HOSTS complaisant with the SPAM and the world of profit! One day, the number of Internet domains used for SPAM extensively exceed the number of useful internet domains, like the number of SPAM received which represents 90% of e-mails that are received in the world! Proof here: ***** /!\ A VERY IMPORTANT TIP /!\ : DON'T CLICK ON ANYLINK IN A SPAM, INCLUDING THE UNSUSCRIBE LINK, BECAUSE YOU WOULD CONFIRM THAT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS VALID, TO BETTER SPAMMING YOU, SPAMS are very contagious with illegal resale data, unofficially legal in corrupt countries! REPORT DIRECTLY SUSPECTS E-MAIL, SMS OR CALL TO SERVICES PROVIDED FOR THIS PURPOSE THAT THE AUTHORITIES AND ASSOCIATIONS HAVE PUT IN PLACE TO COMBAT THIS PANDEMIC! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Il s'agit soit: Un commerce ou autres qui se sert du SPAM pour faire sa promotion, même des célèbres marques, réputé fiable en font de même maintenant, j'ai vu des services publics de n'importe quel pays utiliser du SPAM pour leur promotion (tourisme, expositions, salons, festivités, etc.), il n'y a qu'un pas à franchir pour que les hôpitaux, la police, les gouvernements, les écoles, ... , s'y mettent aussi. Un véritable désastre des temps modernes qui touche maintenant d'autres moyens de communications mobiles (smartphones, tablettes, SMS, etc.). Ou il s'agit sinon soit: Une des adresses servant pour le SPAM, une infinité de nouvelles adresses (même les plus farfelus, avec une lettre qui change, un mot bizarre, des chiffres, .......) sont créé en permanence pour contourner les filtres, mis a jour en permanence, que les harcelés et les services antispams mettent pour bloquer ce fléau! Apparemment c'est la fête des créations de site y compris des faux sites pour du spam, des arnaques, de la publicité pour nous vendre (légalement ou illégalement) leur produits, ou services, et polluer la planète avec des ressources électriques gaspillés, merci aussi les hébergeurs complaisants envers le SPAM et le monde du profit! Un jour, le nombres de domaines internet servant à du SPAM dépassera largement le nombre de domaines internet utiles, à l'instar du nombre de SPAM reçus qui représente 90% des e-mails qui sont reçus dans le monde! La preuve ici: ***** /!\ UN CONSEIL TRÈS IMPORTANT /!\ : NE CLIQUEZ JAMAIS SUR N'IMPORTE QUEL LIENS DANS UN SPAM, Y COMPRIS LE LIEN DE DÉSABONNEMENT, VOUS NE FERAIS QUE CONFIRMER QUE VOTRE ADRESSE E-MAIL EST VALIDE, POUR MIEUX VOUS SPAMMER, le SPAM est très contagieux avec la revente illégale des données, officieusement légale dans des pays corrompus! SIGNALEZ DIRECTEMENT LES E-MAILS, LES SMS OU APPELS SUSPECTS VERS DES SERVICES PRÉVUS A CET EFFET QUE LES AUTORITÉS ET ASSOCIATIONS ONT MIS EN PLACE POUR LUTTER CONTRE CETTE PANDÉMIE!
stationary site for buisiness etc
This site uses extensive tracking cookies and for itself and a wealth of unreputable advertisers. That said, their products are VERY cheap, and VERY high quality. The issue I have is a lot of spam comes from the site, after placing an order, or simply by creating an account. Expect to be bombarded with promotional matetrial if you sign up.
Lots of hidden costs. This site is nothing but a scam!
Get the wrong item and they do not want to know - and then they have the cheek to email you EVERY DAY for the past 18 months for new business even though i have unsubscribed!
Anything they try and tell you is "free", is not. The business cards are free, until you get to the reverse side of the card, in which case you must pay for design (around £3) or have it blank for free, but they will put advertising for VistaPrint on the back. And when you get to delivery, they ask you to choose your delivery option - with prices ranging from £2 - £12, which is NOT free. By the time you get to this stage, they will already have your email address, name, phone number, and home address! My email has suddenly been receiving a great deal more spam than usual, and I get a lot of nuisance calls too (more than I used to), which leads me to suspect VistaPrint may have sold my details. Don't make the same mistake others have!
Email sold to spammers beware!
Order once ... Spammed for life.
lots of hidden costs, be careful, very careful. Cannot cancel orders.
Very untrustworthy company that sends spam to lure offerings. VistaPrint trades personal information Spamming for Vistaprint by uncontrolled "Affiliate Marketing Program" ridiculous terms: "Governing Law Vistaprint Limited is based in Hamilton, Bermuda and all transactions take place on Vistaprint's servers located in Bermuda. Issues related to the protection, infringement, or misuse of copyrighted materials shall be governed by the copyright laws of the United States of America. All other matters relating to your access to or use of this Site shall be governed by the laws of Bermuda. Any legal action or proceeding relating to or arising from your access to or use of this Site shall be instituted in Hamilton, Bermuda. You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of Bermuda courts and agree that venue in these courts is proper in any such legal action or proceeding." Same Service under other domains: ***** ***** www.vistaprint.co.uk ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Items as described. Good quality. Good communication.
I've had many things from vistaprint, there's no fraud, no scams, no anything bad. To those who complain there's spam emails: ever heard of unsubscribe buttons? Also, hidden costs? They ALWAYS mention that theres an upload fee and postage.
OK, so they send a lot of e-mails, and the carriage price can be a bit high,, but I do use this company as they offer a decent service at an overall competitive price.
Do you people really expect something for FREE? This website has a lot of hidden costs! Let's click on their Google ads to take some of their money!
ordered 500 cards for £5.00 including offshore p&p will use them again!
Spam mail - no thanks
It's rubbish about it being "free" they charge you £20.00 to post 250 Buissness cards!!!!!!!!
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