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This site gave false information about former Pastor Jack Hayford. Having personally known the man for about 40 years, the stories told by this site were complete lies. The site based its information on an eyewitness, who also lied. The author claims he attended a conference where Hayford discussed his daughter speaking in tongues, without the full context of the meeting no one can comment on that short snip as to what the intention was of the conversation, but I believe the author was either lying or misunderstood the whole thing because Jack Hayford steered clear of preaching or teaching or hinting at tongues when he was a pastor of Church On The Way either at the church or in conferences, though he did write some books where he touched on speaking in tongues and he did so because the Bible does so as well, so to dismiss one part of the Bible means a person can find fault for the entire Bible, and that's what this site has done, found what they think is a fault, but the reality is, they simply do not believe in God nor the Bible, so this website is trying to make a mockery out of Christians, God, and the Bible. Same thing with dancing in praise to God, while no one in his congregation ever danced in the church worship service, Hayford did believe in it, and it had nothing to do with Africa, the Bible has people dancing in it, yet that's ok, just not ok for Hayford to do it. Did Hayford support Catholicism? The Bible says to judge no person no matter of the faith or lack thereof, and Hayford followed that belief, so maybe it seemed like he supported Catholicism, the reality was he refused to judge them, so why is this site judging people?
The Friday Church News Notes is designed for use in churches and is published by Way of Life Literature’s Fundamental Baptist Information Service. Unless otherwise stated, the Notes are written by David Cloud. Of necessity we quote from a wide variety of sources, but this does not imply an endorseme...
I learn so much from the e-newsletters I receive from wayoflife it's INCREDIBLE!!! I wish more Bible Believing Christians knew about it and used it. E.G.
Why do people put crap like this on the internet ¬¬
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