Безопасен ли windows.net?

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Yeah, it seems to be safe, as it is powered by Microsoft, but in reality there is still a chance that some virus will fish your data. I think now, there are a bunch of other programming options, based on the same framework, for example, on linux platform, people just don`t want to put an additional effort in learning the peculiarities of it. I know that a lot of programs are actually created on this base, but I`m not a big fan of Windows, maybe that`s why I am a little bit biased towards its NET platform, so no offense, just an opinion from the linux loyal user…
Good service for making windows, but too costly for a whole package...
I love programming and I choose these guys to write on C# language. Their .NET is an open source and secure application platform which allows to do the magic, seriously. I trust them because I trust windows and I know how advanced they are at programming. .NET has a very broad range of libraries including APIs, NuGet that stands for a package manager and so on. So the safety of using their framework is indisputable, otherwise they won't be the most recognizable company in the computing world.
https://aoffice365primogenit.blob.core.windows.net/aoffice365primogenit/index.html aoffice365primogenit.blob.core.windows.net blob.core.windows.net windows.net core.windows.net windows.net
Just so you are aware, ***** is not on Microsoft's SSL certificate as an official site, where many dozens of other Microsoft related URLs are. Also, it is registered with MarkMonnitor, which is a corporate brand protecting company... you figure it out.
OK, this one gets strange. Is it or isn't under Microsoft's control? Also what about these? http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=windows.net http://www.urlvoid.com/scan/windows.net Without more information I am giving it light green- at best.
As amazing as this may sound, this sight may not be totally under Microsoft's control if at all. What got my attention is the name extension of .net - something I've never seen on a Microsoft website. The extension should be .com. Any way after checking out the information and getting inconclusive data, I found this at http://www.google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=windows.net about this web page. What is the current listing status for windows.net? This site is not currently listed as suspicious. ** Part of this site was listed for suspicious activity 12 time(s) over the past 90 days. What happened when Google visited this site? ** Of the 54432 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 0 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2015-01-05, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on ***** ** Malicious software includes 6271 virus, 94 trojan(s).
Owned by Microsoft Corp.
Official Microsoft Corporation owned and operated website.
Owned by Microsoft Corp.
Owned by Microsoft Corporation.
Website owned by Microsoft Corp
Used by my credit union for displaying info...
I have used this site and found the contents useful and informative.
legit website for microsoft... what's up with the neg comments? must be apple fanboys lol
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