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★ 4.3
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Basé sur 32 avis

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It has become a bait-and-switch site. The "free" web hosting will now cost you $6.00. That is bothersome.
Counterfeit drugs from Russia impersonating a Canadian pharmacy, in order to phish personal information.
Had a free account for 2 years, paid for some extra options, another 2 years and I'm unable to log in to my account, no support at all. Check out 110mb reviews on review sites, do not pay them anything. BE WARNED.
I have used this site and found the contents useful and informative.
I hosted a site there for free, and after a time one of they drives had a problem and for many months I have been unable to modify my site because they didn't repair that drive. (this happened to all the sites hosted in Box 4)
110mb.com is used to host sub-domains for hosting costomers. All sub-domains are independent and should be rated separately from 110mb.com
Knowingly harbors spammers that host malicious attack pages
Loads of redirecting viruses hosted on this site! EXAMPLES: ONLY OPEN IT IF YOU KNOW THE FOLLOWING: - These sites are VIRUSES. - These sites may HARM YOUR COMPUTER. - These sites may contain PORN, OR OTHER LOADS OF SHIT ON THEM. - These sites may REDIRECT YOU AT LEAST 3 TIMES. - Only open AT YOUR OWN RISK. http://sibugozi.110mb.com/guvivaxy.html http://nekoroda.110mb.com/kekotupo.html http://ganuqinu.110mb.com/hahyluzy.html
Hébergeur de spammeurs - Spammers host
Einige Seiten verbreiten Malware. Man sollte sehr vorsichtig sein.
Web Hoster. Einige Seiten verbreiten aber Malware.
I've had no trouble in the short timespan I have used this webhost. Apparently (from the comments here) it spreads some nasty stuff, but that is probably done by their customers, after which the entire domain is added to blacklists. The reason for me to change host is because of their limitations on stuff like webspace, traffic, databases, PHP settings, etc. - not for any bad experiences. This certainly is not the best free webhost there is, but I wouldn't call it a very bad one either.
O grande problema de sites de hospedagem gratuíta como esse, e que o dominio principal fica visível, é que subsites criados por spammers acabam sujando o nome da empresa que teve a boa ideia. Não conheço o site, mas vi que a culpa não é dela de ser classificada ruim por alguns users.
Al entrar en la página, el antivirus salta informando de un troyano. Muy poco recomendable meterse en esta página. Además, hay muchos servicios de hosting mejores que este...
This is a site where anybody can set up a free web server, allowing other people to access it, if allowed by the administrator. Very cool website, there is some spam if you click on the ads part on some of the pages, but other than that, it is a very secure site. Highly recommended of you are looking for something of this nature.
Web host. Nothing dangerous in particular.
Allows (adult) porn sites! But, the host itself appears to be good.
***** is a useful and reliable free web host. Because they allow sites to be hosted on the .110mb.com subdomain, many sites may blacklist 110mb.com however it is the webmaster's fault, not 110MB. Safe and reliable web host.
I've been a customer for about a year and a half now, they've worked very hard to keep the servers up and running and have a great forum community. Great site!
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