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It has a lot of versions. An audio version of most, if not all, translations.Bible Study tools.
Righteous. Does not harass users for upgrade hustle like WOT does.
I use this for the audio bibles in which there are numerous translations. The KJV by Paul Mims is a personal favourite and a joy to listen to. Max McLean does an awesome work too.
Site used to be great, then they redid the interface. They don't offer link for feedback which shows their arrogance like everybody appreciates the new white background.
Simply thank you for being. Just would be even greater to improve internal search system by keywords, otherwise am using and quoting the site for quite long years, although would love to see pages in my native (Armenian) language too, if it could be possible.
Used it for over 10 years. Fantastic.
Great website, has the bible on it, quick and easy I love it
Good for God. God stands for Good Outstanding Determinater. Good for reading bible on line
Very good site for reading about the Bible, the central text for Christianity. Occasionally, a pop-up appears, asking you to subscribe to the Bible Gateway newsletter, but it doesn't really detract from the site.
This is a great site where you can read the Bible for free and in almost any version and language. Very safe site and safe for children.
Very useful Bible resources including numerous translations.
Nice site in my opinion. Gave me hope and a lot of free information.
I learn't alot from this website.
Kiváló lehetőség a párhuzamos, több nyelven való olvasáshoz, tanulmányozáshoz
As a firm atheist I find this site to be very valuable. I find it especially valuable for looking up the verses in which God directly commands or commits murder, rape, torture, incest, infanticide, mayhem, genocide... An even better compilation of these things can be found here: ***** They are all taken DIRECTLY from the bible itself. Few things are more likely to make a Christian spazz out than quoting their own bible- which they probably have barely even touched- back to them. You can thumb this review down all you want. I am not changing for you.
An online digital Bible text. They have a variety of versions including NIV on their site. They also provide a Verse of the Day widget for embedding on websites, which is safe too.
Пользуюсь этим сайтом, тут безопасно, много полезных функций, смело можно использовать.
BibleGateway is an excellent site for comparative translations of the Bible and biblical verse lookup. This website does an amazing job of providing an easy and efficient way of reading the Bible and looking up specific passages. There are also study guides and lessons, as well as a Verse of the Day, all of which may be appealing to a Christian seeking to learn the teachings of their religion. Even as someone who is not a Christian and who disapproves of much of the Bible's teachings, I also find this website useful when looking up specific passages, comparing translations, and studying the Bible to better learn about the Christian belief system. I highly recommend this website for all your online Bible needs. And for those of you seeking a good translation, the most accurate one is probably the New American Standard Bible (NASB), which I've found through my usage (even when I was a Christian) to be closest to the original meaning of the texts. New International Version (NIV) is good, but oversimplified and thereby loses some of its meaning. The King James Version (KJV) is horribly outdated, biased, and reflects the zealous times during which it was first written, so I strongly advise against using it for learning the Bible.
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