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Basé sur 21 avis

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This is a very good website, if you want load legal music free Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!!!
Amazing website with great mixtapes, just not suitable for younger children.
100 % trust. Mixtapes by Pros and Amateurs.
Well Do Your Children All Love To Swear? I Do Not Mind. BUT DO YOU PARENTS CARE OR DO YOU NOT? This Is My "IN WONDERMENT" OF YOUR "MOST SUITABLE" FOR ALL CHILDREN. RATINGS RIGHT HERE. I Love DatPiff. Great Music. I Finally Got My Profile Picture To Post Change After Almost Two Years Also Now. I Usually Buy In For My Download Sprees Of Some Great Hip-Hop Music For Myself. YES LOSER. FOR "MYSELF" TO LISTEN TO FOR "MYSELF." RE: You "The Most Corrupt Federal Government On Earth" Killed Limewire. YES. YOU KILLED LIMEWIRE. FOR NO GOOD REAL REASON WHATSOEVER. Now You Can Live With This. You Losers You. I DO LOVE MY HIP-HOP MUSIC THOUGH.
You literally listen to any rap/hip-hop songs/mixtapes from this site!
there is no viruses but the website itselfs is very spammy
The best site to go to for new music on mixtapes, but it's not so much a good site for kids.
Although there is some great mixtapes on this site, it contains a large amount of explicit music along with references to doing drugs and sex
Upon creating an account, you are presented some paid services. This website makes the charges and what they're for VERY DISCRETE. Clearly this website gets paid for every person that signs up for these services, which is why they are willing to mislead their customers into thinking they are confirming their new account. Everything else on this site seems fine, but watch out! You never know when someone is trying to lead you to more bills for nothing.
This is where I get all that exclusive, hot content
Full of great mixtapes, however, their service has not been reliable in my experience (confirmation e-mails & responses for recovering accounts).
If you are a hip hop fan this site is a MUST! This is the best resource for finding brand new mixtapes. There are no copyright issues here.. all of this music was intended to be free.
Viele der zum kostenlosen Download angebotenen Mixtapes enthalten Inhalte, die bezahlpflichtig sind und ohne Genehmigung der Künstler hochgeladen wurden. Einzig den "Official"-Mixtapes ist zu trauen.
This site is fine. It does not host pornography. The content is in line with copyright because no one is making money. It is a little slow and clunky due to the ads on the page, but the site itself does not seem malicious. I have not seen any problems with this site. I even went the extra mile and looked into its legality and none of the forum users on the web at large that I read had any issues with the site. And lastly, I noticed someone saying AVG marked the register page poor, but AVG is less than perfect to say the least. I do not trust it at all.
Lots of Spam email coming from this site. I filter it, but still it is not very good.
situs yang mengandung pornografi.
Nak Cenik Sing Dadi Mlali Dini. Tidak Cocok Buat Anak-anak
avg anitvirus said the register page had active threats so im not feelin it
I have been using datpiff for months and there has been no problems.
Great website for easy downloads... Safe with no viruses so!
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