Безопасен ли dropbox.com?

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Video review, cloud storage, exchanging and sharing files - everything is possible due to dropbox and this is what I love about them. There are so many functions that I will be rather run out of keys on the keyboard, than describing everything. The point is that I am thankful to this company for working continually on the development of their product and brigning it to a whole new level every time. Competitive pricing, possibility to set up the software for collaborative needs and so on and so forth, this what makes Dropbox stand out from the crowd. At least, this is my sincere opinion.
Secure website and one of the most secure cloud storages. Even though in the very beginning of my blogging career, prices were unreachable for me, and I really wanted to have Dropbox to be affordable, nowadays this question is resolved. It took a while for me until I eventually connected dropbox, and many of similar storages were changed, tons of data was leaked, but now I understand that I am under strict security and I know for WHAT I pay. Thank you for this, I will continue using your cloud solution since the number of data only increases.
Good and bad sides for this service. Good sides, The actual primary function is good. CLoud storage, they provide great solutions for storage of your digital stuff. A good thing is that you can just store your folder, and you dont have to convert it to some other item or archive it. Also they can be accepted across many devices and they have high security, when I tried to log in into my acc from my phone, they required enough data and verification to make sure it was me. Wha'ts bad, I think they shifted being from storage provider to like somethign else. Video graphics and solutions, now people like me are confused on what's happening and what are they offering. It's like Lamborgini lauched a new series of product like microwaves and else, seems like it.
Нужный ресурс, я так ду маю
As for me, they have privacy issues.
Можна користуватись і безкоштовною версією якщо не багато файлів. Бісить хіба що коли фото завантажуєш, то Дропбокс їх трохи перемішує, після завантаження вже не в тому порядку
While even I have used dropbox for file storage, this site and application have serious privacy issues and their software can change almost anything it wants to change on your computer since you have given consent for it to do so, which is a security issue. I would seriously recommend another cloud service which does not present these problems. I'm currently using one located in Norway which is better in many ways.
Dangerous service, identity theft. Опасный сервис, кража личных данных.
Great Cometition in Cloud Offerings!! Thanks :-)
Lovi it, use it for everything online, website backups, sharing content iwith clients. Love it
Одно из лучших облачных хранилищ для небольшой объема информации.
Надежное облачное хранилище.
Works well, so well I had to buy additional space as it was so useful.
Хорошее хранилище, но хотелось бы побольше бесплатного места
Просто и удобно! И бесплатно!
grat for file sharing across platforms.
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