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site is secure. It has a lot of investments tips and tools You can use
This is the same company that recommended Kaspersky as their Endpoint Protection of choice...
This is the same company that recommended Kaspersky as their Endpoint Protection of choice...
Good site for stock tips and advice. Wish they had fewer ads.
the Motley fool is a great company for advising your investment in the stock market. the website looks fabulous, and works perfectly. this is not a threat to your security in any way. this is very safe, and I recommend that you use this company to help with your investments.
This site will blow you away with Adds, uBlock Origin for G Chrome blocks at least 13 of them thankfully. The site has 12 errors and 2 warnings when you check the elements just on the 1st page. The site drones on in a video about how you are missing out on making your unbelievable fortune yet never tells you just how to get your free information while asking you to pay for other information after you click through several of their links over and over trying to get to the meat of the reason you clicked the site to begin with. You need to give your email which they give out to countless other companies that will spam email you non stop daily. WHEN YOU TRY TO LEAVE THE SITE IT CALLS YOU A FOOL AND WON'T LET YOU LEAVE TIL YOU TRY SEVERAL TIMES. Don't let your children on this site, they will blow up your computer with spam emails.
Educational resource for the individual investor.
Sneaky redirect!! Site prior to this page was article scaring seniors into thinking they'll be broke when they reach retirement and have health issues and financial burdens. The wording is enticing for a person like this. This "SOCIAL SECURITY SECRETS" "GET $15,000 of additional benefits. and the link to find out more brings them to this page where it asks for their email in VERY VERY fine print it mentions "Credit Card is not required" so somebody IS going to be paying for something if they need a disclaimer. I especially dislike ads that target seniors who have poor eyesight and think this is going to get them money. Lots of privacy/legal information in text that is even smaller than the disclaimer. While Motley Fool is not a bad site, this sneaky redirect when you merely hover your curser over the text is. This is an example of a bad page. PHISHING.
When you go to their home page on your own, they do have some very detailed articles and some occasional good advice. But almost every ad or sponsored link I see from them SCREAMS scam and every time i decide to humor them and click it, the page looks almost identical to the millions of other 'get rich quick' scam sites you all should know to avoid. There is of course the auto playing video with some guy talking about this amazing opportunity that he cant believe nobody has taken advantage of and he will give you the secret of what it is, blah blah blah. If you try to leave the page, you get the obligatory alert saying "HEY You are about to miss out on an amazing opportunity! Do you seriously want to miss out on bajillions of dollars?!?! I mean, you can leave if you want but you will be mad at yourself!" If you decide to stay that long, you are inundated by a freaking MASSIVE wall of text talking about everything BUT that secret thing. And once you scroll alllll the way to the bottom, you will for sure see a "Sign me up to get rich!" button. If you click that, you get to a page that mentions paying them x dollars to join in. BUT, "Not to alarm you, but you just missed an important event, so sign up for this other thing and pay some more money to get included in this other too-good-to-be-true opportunity" I kinda think they choose the domain to make it more ironic when people buy into it and lose their money. Seriously, the next motley fool ad you see, go ahead and click it. I guarantee you it will be practically identical to what i just described.
It is a website for finance news and investment advice. It is also a Yahoo! affiliate.
This is nothing but 3 minute video scams, with every add tracker on the planet. (Had about 30 of them on the site with ghostery)
They publish numerous "articles" purported to be news but are just annoying advertising. The site has gone from useful to useless for me.
Articles are kind of sketchy. Then again, so is every other 'stock information site'. I only use these kinds of sites for press releases (if any have been released). Their opinions don't matter. Don't even listen to your own friends and family when it comes to stocks. People are stupid. DYODD.
They promise information while stringing you through a long sales pitch and never disclose the info which the sell!
Seems to be just clickbait articles with advice at the end that really makes you sit through a video to "learn something." Which is really nothing, but ways to advertise to you. If you try to exit out, it will try to persuade you to stay and watch the entire thing.
It is a financial site- and people would be well advised to think things through carefully. As usual these days it has too many trackers and ads to block in the background.
I was led to this site with a hook that was something about getting the best deal from a cable company. I listened for more than 5 minutes while the narrative went round and round - the guy's college daughter, some stock info, it never got to the point! Whatever that was.
As soon as I here this guys voice I delete the page. If I listen  to it for a while and try to delete it my computer always lock up when I try to delete the last page. Forcing me to do Control Alt Delete to able able to close the page. DON'T CLICK ON LEAVE THE PAGE, USE CONTROL ALT DELETE
Довольно интересный сайт, советую пользоваться, можно доверять.
lots of information there about financial markets
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