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The phone number I called was supposed to be for the doctor and it was a marketing number related to the site and not the doctor.
BEWARE!! I called the number for the doctor's office and it turns out it was a number for their service. After being mislead into thinking it was the doctor's office, I gave them my name, date of birth, phone number and address, only for them to tell me they'd transfer me to the doc's office. Now they have my information after never informing me of who I was really calling. The number is listed as the doctor's number! Not the number for their shifty service! I read they sell your information so I'd better watch my email to make sure I don't get spammed. Also, their reviews are often very fake. Completely untrustworthy site!
Marketing site masquerading as a heath care professional matching and news site. Uses hot button issues to pump their advertisers' crap, pushes a sign-up that simply is a way for their clients to spam you constantly. Very biased and content is written specifically to pimp for paid marketing. This is never mentioned, the advice is either banal or wrong and the products being pumped are useless. Anyone reviewed positively on here paid for it and are very unpopuar in real life. That's why they paid these scammers. "10 Signs you are getting Alztheimer's Disease..." I'l tell you #1. You're reading healthgrades.com! Take some widely available data, let people feel like they're rating someone, take money to pimp for some of them on the sly and use the sign-up to spam the marks! What's not to like :-) The spam that gets sent if you sign - up is so bad it actually includes Nigerian Letters. Now, that is only used anymore for the VERY.MOST.STUPID marks. QED: healthgrades.com is counting on you being very ignorant. And either there's a number out there like that, or they plant reviews as well!
Not sure children should be involved in the process of 'researching' physicians.
The phone numbers given on the site for the doctors go to Healthgrades answering service - she said they are a physician's referral service - AFTER she got all my information - but my doctors' office knew nothing about them. She did transfer me to the dr's office and gave me their direct number. After reading these other review, I'm glad I didn't give my email address.
☠ Spamvertized STOOGE Site ☛ Spam Distributors, Email Harvesting, Tracking & Redirection. ☛ Site is associated with or sending Mass UCE Spam. ☛ Spammed site pose Possible Illegal Phishing/ID Theft Scams. ☛ Site uses Shortened/Obscured Redirection URLs to HIDE the true web address. ☛ User beware. Do not become their next victim. *<*-*>* The intended and deceitful practice of sending Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE), Unsolicited Bulk Email (UBE) is not consistent with how a "legitimate and reputable company" would/should do business. *<~>* Common illegal and deceitful practices include: forging the email header, forging the "To" email address, omitting or "munged" the email "To" address and obscuring the website/domain URL (obfuscated the HTML links) and using Shortened URLs to HIDE their true web address. (•ิ_•ิ) Why would you trust a company that needs to knowingly send Illegal Mass UCE Spam? Which of course sounds nothing like how a legitimate and reputable company would/should do business! (•ิ_•ิ) Always remember the basic rules about Scammers/Spammers: ❶ Scammers/Spammers always lie. ❷ If a Scammers/spammer says they aren't lying, see rule 1. Received: from ***** ( by ***** id h94dou1pbf0b (envelope-from <*****>) From: "MyHG@healthgrades.com" <myhg@healthgrades.com> Reply-To: "MyHG@healthgrades.com" <myhg@healthgrades.com Subject: Cold & Flu Season Is Back! We Can Help. X-MESSAGEID: VVWYZ.rEUUVL.G.mEUUVDEVYVU X-COD: ^^ List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:unsubscribe-789ccbadcc48d7cb484dcc29c9482f4a4c492dd64bcecfd5494c2ec9cfd33134343231d529d6353030b4d435343134d0c901b1d3ac12750a810c63430079111215@unsubscribe.b2b-mail.net>, <myhg.healthgrades.com/acton/rif/11245/s-0019-1410/-/l-001f:a/q-0031/zout> Feedback-ID: 11245:s-0019-1410:86082041472 Sender: delivery@b2b-mail.net x-connecting-ip: ***** x-received-time: *****
After completing the physician survey and entering my email address, the next screen displayed that I had not answered any of the questions nor did it display other's ratings as I expected
This site helps to find a good doctor the closest to you. Rated and updated by the members of the website.
Useless is kind -- what they use to "rate" doctors is suspect at best, and can lead people astray... Using this site to pick a doctor or hospital is a probably about as reliable as asking a ouija board.
Advertising via spam. They use the domain ***** in the body of the spam so that healthgrades.com itself doesn't get blacklisted. But as the sponsor, they are responsible for the actions of their email marketers.
Found good info for doctors in my area.
JavaScript web bugs for 6 tracking/advertising companies (per NoScript). Good privacy? Trustworthy? See *****
After completing the physician survey and entering my email address, the next screen displayed that I had not answered any of the questions nor did it display other's ratings as I expected.
After rating two physicians, I received two phishing emails requesting personal info such as age, marital status, address, #children, etc and that I had $ coming to me from some Chines person's will that would be deposited in my bank account.
good site. awesome stuff. I didn't find anything wrong with it so far
I know of one community hospital that was rated highly by HealthGrades but whose local residents are very leery of going there. I wonder how that happened?
Research doctors and medical care facilities. Very good site.
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