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I've used Powweb as host for several sites for at least five years. With a few exceptions I've allways got good service from them. The exceptions being empoyees at Powweb probably having a bad day.
I've been a Powweb customer for 8 years. They used to provide a good service. No longer since being purchased a few years ago. Customer service rarely addresses the question asked. I'm been disconnected from their "live chat" online support when pressing for an answer to a question they repeatedly avoided answering (they would either reply with something similar or completely unrelated). It got so bad I honestly thought I was talking to a computer program. Below is my last exchange with Powweb via their online support ticket service. The renewal for web hosting is coming up and they have raised rate to $8.77/month. Their website clearly states on their "Products" page the standard (non-promotional) rate is unchanged at $7.77/month. I've copied their quote from their product page and they still insist the $7.77 is a promotional rate. Enough. It's work to change hosting companies but the last 3 years all I've experienced is frustration with Powweb. Reciently they decided to change all users passwords. Here is the my last billing inquiry to Powweb: Customer "Support" wrote: We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. In 'PowWeb OnePlan', we charge $7.77 per month only for the first year. --- "This is either not true or Powweb is conducting fraudulent advertising. Here is a quote from the Powweb products page: "*Promotional price is for the first term only, $7.77/mo thereafter." No matter how Powweb twists and distorts truth via "Customer Service" responses, the above Powweb statement is quite clear. Dishonesty is one trait I'm unable to tolerate. Sad, really, as Powweb was a good service prior to being purchased." My response to Powweb's "why are you leaving" inquiry: Dear Powweb, I've experienced enough of extremely poor tech support/customer service. For example: ignorance, lack of knowledge, avoiding answering questions, not carrying out promised actions, appearing not to have read the question, condensing interactions, blatantly not answering a question, having the distinct impression I was communicating with a computer program rather than a human and a customer service agent ending a live chat without resolving the issue to name but a few. Frankly, I've had enough. I wouldn't utilize Powweb's service if the total cost were a mere $1.00 per year. In the time I've been with Powweb, the company has deteriorated while fees have increased. Without exception every interaction with Powweb results in frustration, hopelessness, frustration and amazement at the complete lack of anything remotely resembling sane communication with a hosting provider. I've no idea how any company can reach such a low level of human interaction, consideration, honesty and common sense. I've already moved to another hosting provider and the change is the difference between the cold darkness of deep space and a warm, beautiful sunny day. My only regret is that I didn't close my Powweb account long before now.
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