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Very weird service, completely ignores abuse reports. Not recommended for any serious business,
This site and service is a host to numerous spam and phishing outfits and, as such is completely untrustworthy. (I've just received yet another phish/spam from an account in their domain.)
Rackspace allows their customer to continue a phishing scam. Complaints are not processed and the spam continues. Customer service: none received, cannot comment. Reliability: If you are a spammer/scammer : top. If you are a normal person that wants safe internet: hopelessly incompetent, bordering on the negligent. So far, several complaints have been sent - all have been ignored.
In light of August 2016 listings, RED: www.spamhaus.org/sbl/listings/rackspace.com (running mailGun.com) ----February ***** Rackspace Hosting / rackspace.com continuously sustains IP addresses rated up to "critical" amounts of spam during a 30 day period. ***** (bottom of page) ***** (Rackspace Hosting / rackspace.com)
Actively ignoring spam reports.
Hier kann man tun und lassen was man will. Schade, dass sich dieser Tummelplatz der Netzwerkverbrecher bei MyWot freikaufen konnte. Von mir gibts trotzdem Volle Punktzahl...
It's either: A shop or other that uses SPAM to his promotion (adverts), even famous brands, deemed reliable, do the same now, I've seen public services in any country to use SPAM for their advancement (tourism, trade fairs, shows, festivals, etc..), there is only a small step for hospitals, police, governments, schools, ... will go do the same too. A disaster of modern times now affecting other means of mobile communications (smartphones, tablets, SMS, etc..). Or if it's either: An address used for SPAM, endless new addresses (even the wacky, with a letter changed, weird word, numbers, .......) are created permanently to bypass filters, updated constantly, that harassed and antispam services put to block this scourge! Apparently this is the feast of site creations including fake sites for spam, scams, to sell us (legally or illegally) their products or services, and pollute the planet with electric resources wasted, thank you also HOSTS complaisant with the SPAM and the world of profit! One day, the number of Internet domains used for SPAM extensively exceed the number of useful internet domains, like the number of SPAM received which represents 90% of e-mails that are received in the world! Proof here: ***** /!\ A VERY IMPORTANT TIP /!\ : DON'T CLICK ON ANYLINK IN A SPAM, INCLUDING THE UNSUSCRIBE LINK, BECAUSE YOU WOULD CONFIRM THAT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS VALID, TO BETTER SPAMMING YOU, SPAMS are very contagious with illegal resale data, unofficially legal in corrupt countries! REPORT DIRECTLY SUSPECTS E-MAIL, SMS OR CALL TO SERVICES PROVIDED FOR THIS PURPOSE THAT THE AUTHORITIES AND ASSOCIATIONS HAVE PUT IN PLACE TO COMBAT THIS PANDEMIC! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Il s'agit soit: Un commerce ou autres qui se sert du SPAM pour faire sa promotion, même des célèbres marques, réputé fiable en font de même maintenant, j'ai vu des services publics de n'importe quel pays utiliser du SPAM pour leur promotion (tourisme, expositions, salons, festivités, etc.), il n'y a qu'un pas à franchir pour que les hôpitaux, la police, les gouvernements, les écoles, ... , s'y mettent aussi. Un véritable désastre des temps modernes qui touche maintenant d'autres moyens de communications mobiles (smartphones, tablettes, SMS, etc.). Ou il s'agit sinon soit: Une des adresses servant pour le SPAM, une infinité de nouvelles adresses (même les plus farfelus, avec une lettre qui change, un mot bizarre, des chiffres, .......) sont créé en permanence pour contourner les filtres, mis a jour en permanence, que les harcelés et les services antispams mettent pour bloquer ce fléau! Apparemment c'est la fête des créations de site y compris des faux sites pour du spam, des arnaques, de la publicité pour nous vendre (légalement ou illégalement) leur produits, ou services, et polluer la planète avec des ressources électriques gaspillés, merci aussi les hébergeurs complaisants envers le SPAM et le monde du profit! Un jour, le nombres de domaines internet servant à du SPAM dépassera largement le nombre de domaines internet utiles, à l'instar du nombre de SPAM reçus qui représente 90% des e-mails qui sont reçus dans le monde! La preuve ici: ***** /!\ UN CONSEIL TRÈS IMPORTANT /!\ : NE CLIQUEZ JAMAIS SUR N'IMPORTE QUEL LIENS DANS UN SPAM, Y COMPRIS LE LIEN DE DÉSABONNEMENT, VOUS NE FERAIS QUE CONFIRMER QUE VOTRE ADRESSE E-MAIL EST VALIDE, POUR MIEUX VOUS SPAMMER, le SPAM est très contagieux avec la revente illégale des données, officieusement légale dans des pays corrompus! SIGNALEZ DIRECTEMENT LES E-MAILS, LES SMS OU APPELS SUSPECTS VERS DES SERVICES PRÉVUS A CET EFFET QUE LES AUTORITÉS ET ASSOCIATIONS ONT MIS EN PLACE POUR LUTTER CONTRE CETTE PANDÉMIE!
spam support 14/09 ***** 14/09 ***** 14/07 *****
Good user friendly. good experience.
Used them for many years and their service is great, expensive but great.
Nigerian 419 scam; Domain Used by scammers; spam sent from Amsterdam (
Rackspace deliver quality and reliable infrastructure combined with phenomenal technical support. Great combination, great company!
Good site with good service.
They know that they host malware, they don't care. I personally told them about: Malware eggdrop which downloads the rest of the files: ***** IRC controlling server:
First, Rackspace is a long time 'big player' in the web hosting industry. In fact, they are probably in the top 3. Many of these smaller shared hosts use Rackspace or SingleHop for their servers. To criticize them for hosting a few spammers, out of probably millions of accounts, is absurd. It is one of those things that will happen, especially with so many smaller companies reselling services on Rackspace's servers and networks. I'm sure they take abuse seriously. They are certainly not a host that caters to the 'bad guys', that's for certain. Myself, I switched to Rackspace after dealing with an aging dedicated server that was far too expensive for the performance it gave. I had to do the setup from scratch, no pre-installed cPanel/WHM or such in the case of linux for instance, you have to license that. HOWEVER, server performance maxes out my ISP's capabilities, latency is cut in half, and I have no issues at present. Best is that the cost is lower than the previous physical dedicated server I had. Response times to my 2 support tickets during setup was rapid, concise, and accurate.
Been using Rackspace for a while now, still amazed at how fast their Cloud Servers are up and running after creating one. Fast and easy to use control panel too.
Rackspace is a good, reliable and trustworthy company. They host Lux Scientae ***** ***** I was a very happy Luxsci customer and would recommend both Rackspace and Luxsci to anyone.
I'm using their CloudFiles CDN service - excellent quality! With it my web-site works x5 faster! :-) Also tried their CloudServer (VPS server) - very good and easy service, deplays in seconds, billed on hourly, cheap and fast.
Excellent web host.
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