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If you don't like thinking or the triumph of reason and evidence this is not a site for you. The content will vary considerably and even as a fellow atheist I don't agree with 100% of it- and that is OK. It is about thinking.
Good site that includes good information and opinion pieces. It's mostly an atheist site so don't go if you're not into that type of stuff. I'm not an atheist and I'm not a fan of Dawkins but I'm just leaving an honest review.
Propaganda site full of psuedo science.
Best place to educate your child on the truth.
A message to all pseudoskeptics who think they can control how we think!. The reason I am leaving this message is in response to one of your friends leaving bad feedback on Dean Radin's Blogsite with the only bit of feedback that said Pseudoscience, so there was no child safety issue no viruses or malware? Please get off your high horse you are not saving the world from irrational ***** are spreading more. Dean Radin uses the Scientific Method far more then Richard Dawkins that I can assure you. "Now let me clarify something. Critics of pseudoskeptics have accused them of believing in Scientism - the belief that science is to be treated as an authority with all the answers and taken on faith, just like a religion is. In response, pseudoskeptics claim that science is a process of independent peer review and replication and therefore not a religion. So then, is science a religion, you might ask? Well, yes and no. Technically, science is not a religion. It is a methodology of investigation through evidence and inquiry to arrive at logical conclusions. As such, it is not an entity that holds dogmas or ideologies, like people do. Therefore, science is not pro or anti-paranormal, anymore than a pencil, computer program or mathematical formula is. However, the scientific establishment is another matter, because it involves people, politics, power, money, institutions and vested interests. And as such, politics, corruption, control, censorship and suppression are naturally a part of it. Realists know and understand this. But for some reason pseudoskeptics don't."
Whilst they do a lot of good work, don't believe everything they publish. They are not very careful about re-publishing stories from other sources. They republished an anti muslim story that simple checks showed to be false and from an extreme right wing organisation, they have also published faked pictures on an article about the salvation army. As an organisation that promotes thinking and investigation, they really should know better!
There's no doubting that Richard has his heart in the right place. He's trying, as best he can, to help people understand that it's ok to think for themselves. However, he doesn't always go about it in the best of ways. He has a habit of taking the low road which goes against everything he's trying to accomplish. The site is good, but some of the things on it do need you to step back and think for yourself. Which I suppose is precisely the point. ...well played, Mr Dawkins. Well played.
Non-profit humanist/atheist organization
Very good website with tons of excellent information and opinion pieces.
Wonderful site. The only thing I'd say is that the occasional ranting theist comes up, and I wouldn't want children to read the bigotry and hate some of them post.
Unlike Hitchens, Harris or other brilliant atheist minds; Dawkins is here to promote and breed a new generation of arrogant, militant atheism. It's sad how people abuse WOT to promote their own bigotry. Which is the definition of this site. If you are a child, STAY CLEAR OF THIS SITE. It will not be long before one of his fanboys firebomb a church or a masjid. Go to Harris' site instead. This is coming from an atheist myself; I'm ashamed I have to share a title was such a pig.
A New York man is linking the suicide of his 22-year-old son, a military veteran who had bright prospects in college, to the anti-Christian book "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins after a college professor challenged the son to read it. "Three people told us he had taken a biology class and was doing well in it, but other students and the professor were really challenging my son, his faith. They didn't like him as a Republican, as a Christian, and as a conservative who believed in intelligent design," the grief-stricken father, Keith Kilgore, told WND about his son, Jesse. "This professor either assigned him to read or challenged him to read a book, 'The God Delusion,' by Richard Dawkins," he said. Jesse Kilgore committed suicide in October by walking into the woods near his New York home and shooting himself. Keith Kilgore said he was shocked because he believed his son was grounded in Christianity, had blogged against abortion and for family values, and boasted he'd been debating for years. After Jesse's death, Keith Kilgore learned of the book assignment from two of his son's friends and a relative. He searched Jesse's room and found the book under the mattress with his son's bookmark on the last page. A WND message seeking a comment from Dawkins or his publisher was not returned today. - ***** Discover how atheism and immorality are being cleverly sold to Americans in David Kupelian's controversial best seller, "The Marketing of Evil." *****
Excellent website for connecting with other atheists and getting more involved in the community and secular movement at large.
Thanks god for such people like Richard :-)
excellent site. Dawkins is a brilliant author.
Why isn't there even one negative comment from religious people?
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