Безопасен ли statista.com?

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Valuable for some statistics geeks and not only. I can`t understand one thing, from where they`re able to get such valuable and accurate information. Yes, there are a bunch of governmental reports, but how well they can derive this information and display it to us, ordinary people, creates the impression. Of course, the coolest info is not for free, but who needs it, is gonna pay, I think…
This was one of the most needed resources, once I studied at college. First of all, they have reliable sources of information and do their own research to get the most accurate raw facts that no one can argue with. Secondly, this data is a very useful tool that you can apply even in financial markets, for example, the precise figures of inflation, interest rate, politics, overall, statistics that provide additional information to predict price movements, despite the fact that the majority of these stats are charged. Finally, statista provides rare and unique data,which can be used as confirmation of your words, whether it`s research work at college or argument with your neighbour.
Spams search results with useless low quality page.
Hides all of its charts and sources behind a paywall, at least for the information that I was looking for. As for privacy or security, my visit didn't infect my computer and I saw no pop-ups other than the paywall ones
Nice website. Objective, Individual, Informative, Nice Looking, Great company to relay on. Keep making the internet the better place.
Statista is an online statistics, market research and business intelligence portal. It provides access to data from market and opinion research institutions, as well as from business organisations and government institutions
No problems with malware or viruses. I did not pick up anything dangerous on this website with my Webroot Internet Security. The website should be safe.
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