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★ 4.5
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Sécurité pour les Enfants

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Contenu pour adultes
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Basé sur 10 avis

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Stay away from this site !!!!!
First, Adult Pop Ups aren't Adult Content. Its Annoying Ads or Popups. Im talking about the site itself. not the ads. some of the topics are on drugs. done.
Pop up when you try to leave page.
I was able to find the information I was looking for on this website. The information was great, and the folks submitting the information seemed to want to keep it legitimate, and staying on subject. Also the folks posting seemed to really want to help by sharing their own experiences that were similar to the person asking the question. There are quite a few websites now days that are similar to this one, as far as I can tell, this one is worth visiting. Having said that, I want to let it be known that this is the first and only time I've visited this website, so my comment is being based on my first impression, and first experience with this website. Normally if a website is bad, you can tell after searching the site for a short time. This site seems to be safe, and offer legitimate help for people searching for answers.
Horid full page ads constantly pop up and dim the page. If you try to leave the page when one is launching it quickly throws up a "Are you sure you want to navigate from this page" BS. Worst kind of obtrussive ads there are!!!!
It is hard to monitor the safety of children, but I came across a question about masterbation for children 10-16 years old. There is a forum on here on how to avoid being caught by the parents. Kids are teaching each other that it is ok to hide and lie to parents, also using foreign objects with their private parts. And sharing porn site information using IPOD Touch cell phones. Parents must really monitor internet usage and sit down and talk to your children that masterbation is a safe way of sex, but using objects can harm them. The internet is getting really bad and I think parents are not really realizing what their kids are up too. The internet is becoming too dangerous for children under 18 years now! Just a thought! Search common simple words and look at sites. The internet is all about money and useless information 80% of the time!
Perhaps it's good.
Unanticipated adult pop-ups - "enlargement" advertisement
What could be a good site is spoiled by the annoying popups regarding 'penis size'.
Fake / counterfeit pharmacy spam from forums, webmasters have been notified and when removed ratings will be adjusted accordingly.
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