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Still continuing to spam fora with their rubbish.
Persistent forum spammers. Anyone who supports crap like this deserves what they get.
Limitations: · Can convert up to 15 minutes of each source file and not tell you. ***** http://quttera.com/detailed_report/www.videoconverterfactory.com Submission date: Thu Jan 29 20:34:07 2015 Server IP address: ***** Country: United States Server: Apache Malicious files: 0 Suspicious files: 0 Potentially Suspicious files: 0 Clean files: 296 External links detected: 100 Iframes scanned: 17 Blacklisted: No http://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/www.videoconverterfactory.com/ Status: No Malware Detected by External Scan. Additional Actions Recommended! Web Trust: Not Currently Blacklisted (10 Blacklists Checked) Website Firewall Not Found Medium Risk Patch and Protect
Réponse de videoconverterfactory.comil y a 11 ans
Hi, thanks for commenting our site. Our unregistered version is limited to covert 15 minutes video each file while most other unregistered software can only converter 5 minutes video. We have a detailed description on this page: http://videoconverterfactory.com/dvd-video-converter/ If you didn’t notice this on our site, the free trial will prompt a window telling you that unregistered version is limited to covert 15 minutes video when you click Run.
They are one of the many who are attempting to submit paid software to freeware sites and claim the software can remove encryption, etc when in fact it is only the PAID version of that software which can do this. They are deceiving people and as such I wouldn't use their software or recommend it in any way.
good developer, just keep it up
Useful, safe video converter software.
Réponse de videoconverterfactory.comil y a 11 ans
Hi,can you tell us what we did make you think our site is spam site? Please email us at support@videoconverterfactory.com. We are going to correct it. Thanks.
This is a spammer site again.
Réponse de videoconverterfactory.comil y a 11 ans
Hi,can you tell us what we did make you think our site is spam site? Please email us at support@videoconverterfactory.com. We are going to correct it. Thanks.
spammer spamming this site...
Réponse de videoconverterfactory.comil y a 11 ans
Hi,can you tell us what we did make you think our site is spam site? Please email us at support@videoconverterfactory.com. We are going to correct it. Thanks.
good converter with all type of extension but isn't free. (i downloaded Givwaway version)
good iPod video converter, this 3.0 version is useful.
Réponse de videoconverterfactory.comil y a 11 ans
Hi,can you tell us what we did make you think our site is spam site? Please email us at support@videoconverterfactory.com. We are going to correct it. Thanks.
Von dieser Seite wird gespammt! Unseriös. Geben Sie keinerlei persönliche Daten ein! Spam is sent from this site! Dubious. Do not enter any personal data!
Réponse de videoconverterfactory.comil y a 11 ans
Hi,can you tell us what we did make you think our site is spam site? Please email us at support@videoconverterfactory.com. We are going to correct it. Thanks.
one more forum spammer
Réponse de videoconverterfactory.comil y a 11 ans
Hi, thanks for commenting our site. Could you please kindly tell us what forum post you think is spam? We will check it and then correct it if it is true. You can email us at support@videoconverterfactory.com Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
Is spamming Software forums.
Réponse de videoconverterfactory.comil y a 11 ans
Hi, thanks for commenting our site. Could you please kindly tell us what forum post you think is spam? We will check it and then correct it if it is true. You can email us at support@videoconverterfactory.com Any suggestions are highly appreciated.
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