WOT user awards

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Since 2008 the WOT team has rewarded yearly those WOT community members that have shown exceptional enthusiasm and commitment to help WOT fulfill its goal for a safer Internet. The award is in the form of a badge which is linked to the recipient's user profile. The current awards are as follows:


Most active.png The Most Active award goes to the user that has started most forum discussions – brought new online threats to light and maintained an active discussion within the community.
Problem solver.png The Problem Solver award goes to the user that has replied most to site evaluation requests – helped site owners to deal with problems with their site’s reputation.
Techie.png The Techie award goes to the user that has been active on the support forum – helped other users with technical issues.
Member of the Year.png The winner of the fourth category, Member of the Year, was based on your votes. Each registered user had one vote.

The award went to the person that you thought deserved it for being active, helpful, and respectful to others, and helping the community work together with a positive attitude.

Award publicity 2008.png The Publicity award goes to a user that has enthusiastically promoted Wot and safe surfing to other people
Award top member 2008.png The Top Member award goes to those who have spent their time with the community, and researched some stuff to provide the WOT community with an even bigger site reputation balance.
Award scam buster 2008.png The Scam Buster award goes to a user that has been in the battle for a safe internet, by reporting scam sites, giving sites that may download rouge software or steal your bank account and personal info the correct ratings to protect other users from damage to thier data.

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"In 2008 – 2010 the WOT team rewarded yearly those WOT community members that had shown exceptional enthusiasm and commitment to help WOT fulfill its goal for a safer Internet. Since the community grew, the task of choosing the award recipient became impossible, so the tradition was ended. We consider all our users Top Users!"
Annaleena - WOT Staff
WOT User Awards 2010
Calling for nominations: WOT user awards 2010
2009 WOT Award Recipients
WOT Top Member Award 2008
WOT Scambusters Award 2008
WOT Publicity Award 2008