Additional search rules
Adding search rules
The preferred way to add custom search rules to the Firefox add-on is to edit the user.js file in your Firefox profile folder using a text editor.
User-contributed search rules
Here is a list of additional search rules you can add to your WOT configuration:
Ecosia gives at least 80% of their search income to a rainforest protection program run by WWF.
user_pref("", "Ecosia"); user_pref("", "^http(s)?\\:\\/\\/ecosia\\.org\\/search\\.php\\?"); user_pref("", "^http(s)?\\:\\/\\/([\\w\\-]+\\.)*ecosia\\.org\\/"); user_pref("", "a.resultTitleNewTab ~ [ATTR] { display: none ! important; }"); user_pref("", "a ~ [ATTR=\"NAME\"] { background: url(IMAGE) right no-repeat; }");
Note: the prestyle rule stops another rating symbol from appearing next to the "Open in a new tab" icon.
Scroogle Scraper
Scroogle Scraper allows private searches to Google.
user_pref("", "Scroogle Scraper"); user_pref("", "^http(s)?\\:\\/\\/(www|ssl)\\.scroogle\\.org\\/cgi-bin\\/nbbw(ssl)?\\.cgi"); user_pref("", "^http(s)?\\:\\/\\/([\\w\\-]+\\.)*scroogle\\.org\\/"); user_pref("", "a ~ [ATTR=\"NAME\"] { background: url(IMAGE) right no-repeat; }");
Yauba is a real-time search engine focused on privacy.
user_pref("", "Yauba"); user_pref("", "^http(s)?\\:\\/\\/(www\\.)?yauba\\.com\\/"); user_pref("", "^http(s)?\\:\\/\\/(www\\.)?yauba\\.com\\/"); user_pref("", "h1 a ~ [ATTR=\"NAME\"] { background: url(IMAGE) right no-repeat; }");