Unrated scorecard
WOT reputations are dynamic, they constantly change with both user input and no input; input is defined as ratings, remember comments are not ratings which have no affect towards the reputation.
User ratings have different weights which is determined by the user's rating reliability. Once a rating is recorded, it will slowly begin to "fade away" meaning the weight starts to lower.
If the user who rated the site (IP or domain name) revisits it, the ratings are refreshed; rating weight is restored, the "time clock is reset." Visiting the site's scorecard has no effect with how a user rated that site unless they edit, change, and save their ratings which are recorded as new. Users having access to the mass rating tool (MRT) can rate multiple domains with "one click" each rating is counted as new and the "weight drop-off clock" starts.
If the user makes a single visit (or only one rating via the MRT), then in time the weight will drop so low that it no longer has an effect on the reputation.
Sites which are not often visited by WOT users, see: scorecard popularity, can return to an unrated state. This is especially true for domains which are rated by use of the mass rating tool; seldom are domains rated more than once by the same user.
please do not offer these domains any ratings based upon their
being referenced in this article, they are examples only.
Insert table or definition list?
IMG - validating.ru - current scorecard state
This site was in four trusted sources between 2009-2010: hpHosts, DNS-BH, Malware URL, and Panda's malware blacklist. It was removed from the last one in September 2010. The poor ratings are all from the same time as evident in the screen capture. The reputation changed back to unrated around 05 January 2013 when new ratings started coming in.
IMG - bronyboard.net - current scorecard state
IMG - crossmediadashboard.nl - current scorecard state
IMG - lakekeoweerealestate.com - current scorecard state
To be continued ...