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Growing threats from shrinking tech – Cyber Security News Weekly Recap

Growing threats from shrinking tech
In part three of our weekly recap of the hottest security news stories, the topic is hacks and malware from small places we might not normally suspect. This past week we saw a variety of threats emerging into the spotlight in the form of both hardware and software. Here are this week’s top 4 stories:

USBs with malware in AustraliaAttack of the USBs
Fresh off the press yesterday, a malicious USB attack is underway in Australia. Someone is going around, placing USB sticks in mailboxes. Research from the University of Illinois suggests that nearly 50% of people who pick up a random USB stick plug it in and open the files – in short, a cybercriminals dream conversion rate. Read more about this malicious USB attack on
Vice Motherboard.

hack iphone for 100 dollarsHacking iPhones can be cheap
Remember the FBI vs Apple saga? Apple refused to give the FBI a back door to every iPhone ever so the FBI instead spent $1.3 million to hire a company to hack it. Turns out they overspent. Now anyone can unlock an iPhone for less than $100. Read the full story on
The Hacker News.

pokemon go mobile malwarePokemon NoGo
If you’re like me, the last time you heard from many of your friends was July 6th, the day Pokemon Go was released. Sad as that is, we predicted at the time that it was only a matter of time before someone decides to take advantage of this craze and add malware into the mix.
Well, it’s happened. Mobile Malware is riding on the coattails of the extremely successful Pokemon Go app, and you can read more about it on TechRadar.

FBI director covers webcam with tapeCover your webcam much?
The hottest story of the week was, surprise, thanks to the FBI. But it’s not what you think (that is, if you’re thinking of Snowden or Apple). At a conference, FBI director James Comey disclosed that he covers his webcam with tape. Will this become the mainstream practice now that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and the director of the FBI? Read more about this story on
The Hacker News.

*This blog post is a recap of the latest cyber security news this week. Images used in this post are the property of the original publishers.

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