Рассылка email спама! / Email spam sending!
Покупая у подобных "контор" товары и услуги, вы оправдаете их грязные "методы рекламы". И, как результат, - завтра получите еще больше спама. /
Buying from these "firms" products and services, you will justify their dirty "methods advertising". And as a result - tomorrow will get even more spam.
Рассылка email спама! / Email spam sending!
Покупая у подобных "контор" товары и услуги, вы оправдаете их грязные "методы рекламы".... 続きを読む
tiffany-weiser.info was spammed in August, 2011
When you tell the registrar ENOM about their problem, you get the same old irresponsible buck-passing duck-shoving fob-off - "we are only the registrar - complain to the hosting ISP." as if that exonerated them from the charge of assisting criminals.
You can see many samples like this at the ENOM spammed domains blacklist published publicly at ***** - when you compare ENOM with other registrars they show the worst record for support of high volume spamming. Typically over 40% of domains registered at Demand Media's ENOM is detected in unlawful spam.
ENOM is sponsoring this illegal spamming operation, and accepts payments for the unlawful domain name registrations. Where Go Daddy shows corporate responsibility, ENOM shows corporate irresponsibility. And toothless ICANN accredits them, while pocketing the accreditation fees. Do you detect the foul stench of corruption in the air?
tiffany-weiser.info was spammed in August, 2011
When you tell the registrar ENOM about their problem, you get the same old irresponsible buck-passing duck-shoving fob-off - "we a... 続きを読む