
WOT, people-driven Internet security, launches Website Reputation Scorecard

People-driven security, an approach that lets individual Internet users join their forces in the battle against online threats, gains momentum with the introduction of the new WOT Website Reputation Scorecard. By combining the collective power of millions of human eyes with data from automated blacklist services, WOT delivers accurate up-to-the minute website reputation information.

WOT, Web of Trust, is a free browser security tool that warns the user about risky websites that try to scam visitors, deliver malware, or send spam email. The new WOT Website Reputation Scorecard shows, at-a-glance, the facts behind website ratings – appearances on negative sources such as phishing and spam black lists or positive sources like del.ici.ous, Digg, or Wikipedia. The scorecard provides a social platform for community members to share their valuable insights with others to increase online security. Supporting Facts

  • Hundreds of thousands of users

  • Over 18 million websites rated

  • ased on WOT statistics, 1 out of 20 sites is dangerous. The three major categories among risky websites are

Adult content: 28% of the dangerous sites analyzed Software: 27% (free and licensed software) Entertainment: 16% (movies, games, music, screensavers, smileys)


“Anti-virus software is not sufficient protection against fast emerging Internet crime and new ways to attack and scam individual users. WOT offers an extra layer of protection and should be part of every Web surfer’s permanent security armor,” says Esa Suurio, CEO of Against Intuition Inc.

“As Internet crime is becoming increasingly professional, we need to find new ways to fight online crooks. Criminals have joined their forces, and so should the good guys,” says Suurio.

Company Information

Against Intuition Inc. focuses on developing and providing software and services for the WOT community and promotes the community's goals to make the Internet safer. Against Intuition was founded in 2006 by two Finnish graduate students, Timo Ala-Kleemola and Sami Tolvanen.

Contact information

Esa Suurio (Spokesperson) Against Intuition Inc. CEO Italahdenkatu 27 A 00210 Helsinki Finland +358 40 7169301 (cell) Email: Web site: Blog:

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