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This site is a source of spam. Untrustworthy.
Of course it's safe. I've been using it for years, hosting my files and personal website. I guess all the people who discredited it did it because those sites weren't secure digital, but SSL can be activated through the control panel, so... no problem. Why are people blacklisting it ? :(
Spam Advertiser:
Marrant tout ces faux comptes MyWOT pour noter, en bien, ce site (souvent des comptes Rookie avec un seul commentaire ou quelques commentaires dont ce site se trouve le premier (ou dans les premiers) commentaires du compte). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funny all these fake MyWOT accounts to note, for good, this site (often a Rookie accounts with one comment or several comments that this site is the first (or the first few) comments in this accounts). ============================================ It's either: A shop or other that uses SPAM to his promotion (adverts), even famous brands, deemed reliable, do the same now, I've seen public services in any country to use SPAM for their advancement (tourism, trade fairs, shows, festivals, etc..), there is only a small step for hospitals, police, governments, schools, ... will go do the same too. A disaster of modern times now affecting other means of mobile communications (smartphones, tablets, SMS, etc..). Or if it's either: An address used for SPAM, endless new addresses (even the wacky, with a letter changed, weird word, numbers, .......) are created permanently to bypass filters, updated constantly, that harassed and antispam services put to block this scourge! Apparently this is the feast of site creations including fake sites for spam, scams, to sell us (legally or illegally) their products or services, and pollute the planet with electric resources wasted, thank you also HOSTS complaisant with the SPAM and the world of profit! One day, the number of Internet domains used for SPAM extensively exceed the number of useful internet domains, like the number of SPAM received which represents 90% of e-mails that are received in the world! Proof here: ***** /!\ A VERY IMPORTANT TIP /!\ : DON'T CLICK ON ANYLINK IN A SPAM, INCLUDING THE UNSUSCRIBE LINK, BECAUSE YOU WOULD CONFIRM THAT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS IS VALID, TO BETTER SPAMMING YOU, SPAMS are very contagious with illegal resale data, unofficially legal in corrupt countries! REPORT DIRECTLY SUSPECTS E-MAIL, SMS OR CALL TO SERVICES PROVIDED FOR THIS PURPOSE THAT THE AUTHORITIES AND ASSOCIATIONS HAVE PUT IN PLACE TO COMBAT THIS PANDEMIC! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Il s'agit soit: Un commerce ou autres qui se sert du SPAM pour faire sa promotion, même des célèbres marques, réputé fiable en font de même maintenant, j'ai vu des services publics de n'importe quel pays utiliser du SPAM pour leur promotion (tourisme, expositions, salons, festivités, etc.), il n'y a qu'un pas à franchir pour que les hôpitaux, la police, les gouvernements, les écoles, ... , s'y mettent aussi. Un véritable désastre des temps modernes qui touche maintenant d'autres moyens de communications mobiles (smartphones, tablettes, SMS, etc.). Ou il s'agit sinon soit: Une des adresses servant pour le SPAM, une infinité de nouvelles adresses (même les plus farfelus, avec une lettre qui change, un mot bizarre, des chiffres, .......) sont créé en permanence pour contourner les filtres, mis a jour en permanence, que les harcelés et les services antispams mettent pour bloquer ce fléau! Apparemment c'est la fête des créations de site y compris des faux sites pour du spam, des arnaques, de la publicité pour nous vendre (légalement ou illégalement) leur produits, ou services, et polluer la planète avec des ressources électriques gaspillés, merci aussi les hébergeurs complaisants envers le SPAM et le monde du profit! Un jour, le nombres de domaines internet servant à du SPAM dépassera largement le nombre de domaines internet utiles, à l'instar du nombre de SPAM reçus qui représente 90% des e-mails qui sont reçus dans le monde! La preuve ici: ***** /!\ UN CONSEIL TRÈS IMPORTANT /!\ : NE CLIQUEZ JAMAIS SUR N'IMPORTE QUEL LIENS DANS UN SPAM, Y COMPRIS LE LIEN DE DÉSABONNEMENT, VOUS NE FERAIS QUE CONFIRMER QUE VOTRE ADRESSE E-MAIL EST VALIDE, POUR MIEUX VOUS SPAMMER, le SPAM est très contagieux avec la revente illégale des données, officieusement légale dans des pays corrompus! SIGNALEZ DIRECTEMENT LES E-MAILS, LES SMS OU APPELS SUSPECTS VERS DES SERVICES PRÉVUS A CET EFFET QUE LES AUTORITÉS ET ASSOCIATIONS ONT MIS EN PLACE POUR LUTTER CONTRE CETTE PANDÉMIE!
итальянские мошенники с регистрацией домена в США логично для обмана :) решать только Вам :) лохотрон скрин - *****
Très bon hébergeur gratuit. Les serveurs sont assez rapides, aucun problème ;)
I've had a blog hosted here since 2012. They are hands down the most trustworthy, flexible, and reliable free Wordpress host available. Like any free service, there are people who abuse it but the admins do make an effort to clean it up. Saying that is a malicious spam site is like saying ***** or ***** are untrustworthy. They all have user-generated subdomains built for ill purposes, but it's not a reflection of their agenda. They do their best to combat those abusing the service but eradicating spam is always an ongoing campaign. The main website is perfectly safe but the user-generated subdomains should be judged independently.
You should be very careful with this service. Phishing site, hosts paypal accounts.
Like the majority of cheaply set-up free hosting sites, it is used by people to run fake, spamming, phishing and/or infections sites. The host is slower than most at removing reported dangerous or illegal sites. It was designed for blogs and basic database sites, so beware of any links or site names not matching your intended destination site. At time of writing, Google claimed 1 in 40 of the pages hosted contained malware, including trojans, viruses and loggers, totaling over 6000 forms of exploit.
Google went nuts reporting this site on 2014-02-15: What is the current listing status for This site is not currently listed as suspicious. Part of this site was listed for suspicious activity 1496 time(s) over the past 90 days. What happened when Google visited this site? Of the ***** pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 2593 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2014-02-15, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on ***** Malicious software includes 3559 trojan(s), 3039 exploit(s), 911 scripting exploit(s). Successful infection resulted in an average of 4 new process(es) on the target machine. Malicious software is hosted on 377 domain(s), including,, ***** 67 domain(s) appear to be functioning as intermediaries for distributing malware to visitors of this site, including,, ***** This site was hosted on 7 network(s) including AS24940 (HETZNER-AS), AS20860 (IOMART-AS), AS13335 (CLOUDFLARENET). Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware? Over the past 90 days, appeared to function as an intermediary for the infection of 58 site(s) including,, ***** Has this site hosted malware? Yes, this site has hosted malicious software over the past 90 days. It infected 836 domain(s), including,, *****
Pretty safe, useful resource..
link to Java script in a mastercard phishing email pointed to this site. <form onsubmit="return valFrm()" method="post" action="" name="frm"></form> maybe this site was beeing hijacked
Spamvertised phishing for email addresses detected. Do not enter your email address at
Altervista offre servizi di hosting e dominio di secondo livello gratis.
Some sites are used for phishing :
cracked sites, redirected to russian penis pills. if compromise has been fixed, hit me up by DM [as]
Lots of malware hosted there
Ottimo sito, buon servizio di hosting gratuito, di rado ci hostano fake-login e virus, ma basta semplicemente segnalare e chiudono subito.
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