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Chinese scamming site. Scamming website proposing cheap merchandise. May also contain phishing and spyware plugins or apps. Do not make buys. Stay away from this site.
The only positive comments on this page are from shills/sock-puppets (all posted on the same day, all also posted positive comments at the same time about ***** - another front for the same con-merchants. They also use Chinagreats and IG8 among others)
It's believed or has been commented that goods ordered were never shipped, that goods ordered were counterfeit, Fake information was provided when the website was registered, Fake information is provided on the website or the website bears similarities to other websites matching above criteria
robbers no item no contact all they do is take the money form paypall wait untill the paypall money garantee runs out after 45 days and they have100 percent profit i would also recomend not using paypall either well dont let they pull your money from your bank account if you are going to deal with these people do it through a credit card
I purchased a smartphone from Gadgetgreats about 6 months ago and it's been perfect. Was well packed and I'd happily purchase from there again A+.
I've purchased from Gadgetgreats about 7 times. Never had any problems. I love gadgets :)
I've bought things from gadgetgreats.com twice and both times the buying experience was good. I used Paypal and my order arrived when they said it would. Both products where brand new and I'm a happy bunny. They had the best price around for both the items at the time too, so all in all I highly recommend them.
I've bought a couple of tablet PC's from Gadgetgreats. Each time I got exactly what I ordered. Brand new and working perfectly. The spam saying they are a scam is obviously fake from a competitor site.
I bought Ainol tablet on August 2012. I got it in 3 weeks via China post. It is not spamming me. I used Paypal payment.
Order a small item and it never arrived. Emailed to them, twice, and no response. They sent a credit to my credit card.
Phish / fraud / Chinesse scams sites. See: *****
Scam to take your money and not send the products or send the wrong products
Chinese Scam/Fraud Website - *****
Reported chinese scam website from ***** For more information or ref: *****
Es besteht die Gefahr d. Identitätsdiebstahls/ Kreditkartenmissbrauchs. Werden Produkte angeboten, sind das keine echten und bergen die Gefahr schwerer Erkrankung/ Vergiftung/ Verstosses gegen nationale und internationale Gesetze und Zollvorschriften. Mit dem Erwerb dieser Produkte unterstützen Sie unter anderem Drogenhandel, Erpressung, Mord, Nötigung, Schutzgelderpressung, Zwangsprostitution, Menschenhandel. This site carries the risk of identity theft/ credit card abuse. If products are offered, these won’t be genuine products and carry a risk of diseases/ poisoning/ violation of national and international laws and customs regulations. With purchasing these products you will support amongst others drug dealing, blackmail, Murder, coercion, racketeering, forced prostitution, slave trade. Info: *****
Listed in the Firetrust list of Chinese scams. See here: *****
Identified as a fraud. (See: *****
Seeking personal identifiable information for plausible abuse via SCAM/FAKE goods and/or services. BEWARE! Do NOT Trust this website. re: *****
This website has been listed by Sitehound as a fraud. *****
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