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Its a really good website, You know?
Отличный сайт! В отличии от SimsResource, здесь можно скачать не только всякие шмотки, волосы и позы, но и микропрограммы (Скрипты), благодаря которым игра может стать интереснее и удобнее! ...Или не станет, если вы их не правильно установили. Однако я не рекомендую его для лиц младше 20 лет, так как среди его материалов часто попадаются обнажённые части человеческого тела, откровенная одежда и вообще такое извращение, как шмотки для БЕРЕМЕННЫХ мужчин. Так что детям на этом сайте не место, он для взрослых игроков. Что касается вредоносного содержимого, то за 5 лет использования материалов с этого сайта в своей игре никаких вирусов или троянов ни я, ни мои антивирусы (А у меня их было несколько: NOD, Norton, Avira) не обнаружили. Мошенничества мною тоже выявлено не было: я получал только то, что видел в описании и на предварительном просмотре.
Some caution should be advised for very young children as site contains adult material.
This mod site is completely safe, and they have a mod site for ages 18+ so kids can come onto this site without worrying about seeing anything bad.
This site now shows penises and other sexual parts without blur, and the staff is ok with it. If you do not want to expose your children to adult themes, keep them away from this site forum. Staff is agressive and will bully you for as little as telling them you do not share their views. If you happen to contact the owner of the site about an isuee, he will be the most agressive of them all.
This is a good website for downloading Sims mods. While all explicit nudity is censored on-site, some users may post links to NSFW or inappropriate mods hosted off-site, so it's generally best that children don't use this website.
safe and useful site of modthesims2
Great downloads; FREE and the forum can also be very helpful and useful.
Great website for downloading Sims 2 and Sims 3 custom content. It has a great community feature aswell with useful forums and handy tips for developing your own custom content. The website also holds competitions for felllow simmers to get involved with and also themed contests for custom content creators such as the Hollywood theme where they had to create Hollywood inspired downloads. The website is very safe however can be particularly slow at times; however they fix the problems with the website in the quickest time possible whilst keeping everyone informed via their Twitter account. I honestly believe this is the best and the biggest website for custom content for the Sims 2 and Sims 3.
everyone says its safe but shortly after making an account my e-mail was hi-jacked and theft of my personal information. I do not believe this site is safe
The admins and moderators are absolutely awful, especially Delphy and HP. This site is okay for downloads, but don't bother with the forums or uploading content.
Good downloads for your sims.
I find that these imbeciles of administrators impose limits on everyone (accounts and passwords). It is too !!
The administrators are idiots. They not only give unfair bans and do not investigate things correctly, they also take things the wrong way very easily, and steal other peoples content and claim it as their own. Not all staff are like this, but most are cocky and immature ten year olds.
The best site for Sims 2 and Sims 3 downloads. Never got an unsafe download.
No Spam and the files are o.k
Du contenu riche, gratuit et attrayant pour les jeux Sims 2 et Sims 3.
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