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This app was very popular, when it began to operate, back into the pandemic days. Though, as I see this video conference industry is full of new products, better than zoom. Really, I don`t like this ugly interface and lack of stability. There are so many options that work better, even google meet, it`s much convenient for me.
Tell you what, they flopped big time. When the world became "remote" during the corona, zoom has gained so much popularity which no other compny has even dreamt of, and in such a short span of time. It was good in the beginning, but then what happened? Yea, what happened was a downfall. How many people are still using zoom? Not much, and not me as well. What they would have done with those billions - re invest into the company and R/D at least couple of billions so they have amazing technology and security to remain as Number 1 in the market. But, they are now replaced in most companies, and not trusted for corporate meetings due to low secuirty and performace. They need to get their stuff together, or its not gonna be another miracle soon.
I have been using zoom application since the moment when there was a Covid-19 all over the world and to be honest the company indeed save a lot of work places for people because everyone was able to work from home online and at the same time the productivity didn’t drop, otherwise it seems everyone started working better and with a large desire. Honestly, it is a pity that many people forgot about the zoom video application but at my work we are still using zoom video for communication with each other since all workers live in different countries. The quality of videos and sound is high level but I don’t like that they started to offer a paid subscription for using the application without advertisements and without breaks for 15 minutes after 45 minutes of a video call. Everything else is pretty okayish!
Has frequent connectivity issues and security concerns. The platform can be glitchy, and the free version has limited features.
Для созвонов по работе супер, в период ковида по зуму только и общались с коллегами
I'm sure absolutely everyone has heard of this app. But I think it's a bit overrated. Still this app is nice way to do video conferencing. I didn't notice any problems when I used it. By the way, if connection goes down, app automatically adjusts and makes connection better.
Эта платформа стала особенно важной в наше время, когда работа удаленно и дистанционное обучение становятся все более распространенными. Благодаря зуму, люди могут легко оставаться на связи и проводить эффективные встречи даже на расстоянии.
very good and very secure site
Сайт для онлайн конференций
One of the most reliable and easy to use video conferences services
Official zoom site
Popular offical Zoom website
Official Zoom website
Trustworthy site.
Oke veilig verklaard
Reuniões online.
Облачная платформа для видеоконференций, веб-конференций, вебинаров, унифицированных коммуникаций.
Great for virtual learning! Malaysians love it!
Облачная платформа для видеоконференций, веб-конференций, вебинаров, унифицированных коммуникаций.
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